Chapter Twenty Five, Fire

Start from the beginning

Esme rushed forward and wrapped her arms around me in a motherly hug, she seemed shorter than I remember her, and I felt taller. 'Does this have something to do with the venom?' I thought as Edward began to laugh and Alice and Rose stood there looking at me dumbfounded.

"How did we not hear you? I put you in eight inch stilettos!" Alice said, pointing at my feet, and for the first time, I realized that I had a pair of glittering heels on, and I was wearing a black flowing strapless dress. I was about to answer when a sudden wave of pain hit me, and hit me hard, and I almost fell to the ground, but then someone caught me last minute, and I realized that it was in fact Cody's face hovering over mine. Everything soon went black, and my once brilliant hearing was nothing but white noise.

Eventually I came to again, but this one was brought on by a pain like no other. My heart started to race, and my throught started to burn hotter, unbelivibly, as the pain fadded away from my fingers and toes, fadded away from my legs and arms, to where it was soon filling my throat and chest, but eventually even the pain in my throat left, leaving a white hot fire biting into my chest. I left my eyes shut in pure fear of what would happen, I stopped thinking, I stopped moving, I stopped everything as my heart hammered on my chest, like it was trying to break it's way out my chest through my rib cage. All I could hear in the room around my was my racing heart that beat so loud it sounded as if there was a hovercopter, the upgraded version of a helicopter, right next to me. There was another sound I could hear, though it was signifigantly quite and nearly lost beneath the sound of my hear, there was nine tiny breaths, excluding my own, that made me realize I wasn't alone. Then all sound in the room stopped, and my heart gave one last thud, making me exhale, but I did not inhale again, for I did not feel the need to. I opened my eyes slowly, and it was a pure burst of color, I could see everything, from the smallest imperfection on the otherwise perfect crystal chandalier hanging above me, I could see the dust floating in the air, and I could see the beautiful rainbow that had been cast into the air by the natrual light shining onto the crystal chandalier. I saw all the colors of the rainbow, plus one that had no name, but was a beautiful and vibrant color. When I finally sucked in a deep breath, after laying there for five minutes completely still, the other nine exhaled. I sat up, and jumped when the first sight I saw when I sat up was a face with dozens of scars, all across the pale skin. Jasper, when did he get so scary? "Oh Jasper's always been that scary." Edward said from behind him with a small chuckle. Alice stood there with a grin thrown across her face and I felt like if Emmet and Jasper wheren't standing in front of them in a super protective stance, that she would have rushed forwad and gave me a huge hug. Then I saw Cody standing there, his eyes focused on mine, and it felt like I was seeing him for the first time in my entire life. It was shocking, how much his build matched his dad's, and he had the same eye's Renesmee had, a deep chocolate brow, and his hair matched both Renesmee and Edward's, with bronze strands that sat messily, but somehow also orginized, atop his head, and he had a small pale scar just on his lower lip.

Before I could finish observing him, Emmet blocked my view. I sighed and for the first time since I was set aflame from the inside out, I spoke. "What is your guy's problem?" I asked, and my voice sounded alien to even my own ears, it was sweeter, and it was no longer hoarse or shy, it was strong, it was independent, it was me.

"Clara, it's just a little precaution, we don't know what may happen." I heard Carlisle answer in a steady low voice.

"What's going to happen? I won't hurt any of you." I said plainly, and crossed my arms, even though I was perfectly comfortable standing there completely still, I felt to much like a statue for my comfort.

"I told you guys she is perfectly fine." Alice said, placing one of her hands in her hip. That's when Jasper and Emmet sighed and stepped to the side, and I went over to Cody as quick as I could, which was a hundredth of a second trip, and went to hug him, but I felt a grip latch around my stomach and yank me back, and another grip pull my arms behind my back at an awkward angle. I looked back and saw Jasper and Emmet with stern looks on their face.

"What!?" I asked shocked that I had been ripped away from trying to hug him.

"She just wanted to hug him Emmet." Edward said, stepping forward. "I think she has the same control as Bella did." He looked to Jasper and I was released one moment, then hugging Cody the next.

Emmet's voice came in next. "Alright Slip, you need to hunt." He said, and I backed away from Cody and looked at him confused.

"But I'm not thirsty." I said, and it was true, I felt no desire to drink blood, or anything else. They looked at me like I was lying, but all I could do was shrug my shoulders and watch them.

"She's telling the truth..." Edward said with a shocked face. "How is this possible?"

"Didn't Aro say that she was special?" Bella said, stepping forward with a confused look strewn across her face. "Maybe that has something to do with it." She had a rather optimist tone in her voice.

"My mom... she was sick- well changing," I amended my statement as soon as I had said it and then continued. "for a couple days, and then she came out perfectly fine and didn't seem like she wanted to dink my father or I's blood, so maybe that has something to do with it?" I sifted trough my childhood memories, but it was frustration as I tried to figure out what was going on, like my memories where a fog and I was trying to find my way to a poorly lit path through it all. Then one cloudy memory came to mind- The letter.


Long wait I know, but I got no feed back so I had nothing to go off of, I will not be posting any more IF I do not get at least two votes and one comment on this chapter. I will post Chapter Twenty Six when I get that, I need feedback and refuse to go without it. What do you think is going on with Clara? Why is she so special? What is in that letter? I really love the fact that you have read for this long, but I can't go without feedback and I will not go without it any longer. I want votes, reactions, and comments. The people who save this book by commenting and voting will get a dedication in the next chapter.



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