“I’ll be right back.”

I hurried into my room and shut the door behind me. I hurried to the bathroom for a quick wash, brushing my teeth and pulling a brush through my hair. I threw on my black and hideously huge I love NY sweater over a slightly oversized, really ugly, but much loved white and yellow Vampire Weekend band T-shirt. I pulled on my baggy black jeans and looked under the bed for my shoes. When I couldn’t find them, I stepped into my ugly orange flip flops. There, dressed.

“Ready,” I announced, entering the living room again.

Simon looked surprised when he saw me, but he didn’t say anything. He was wearing his usual black jeans with old worn sneakers. But he wasn’t wearing a hoodie today, he was wearing a nice black button-up shirt. His curly brown hair didn’t look as messy as usual and he was smiling gently, his brown eyes twinkling. “Great.”

When we entered the cafeteria, many kids were sitting around, eating, doing homework, reading a book or just chatting with friends. Simon and I walked toward the tables with food, loading our plates. I chose sandwiches, scrambled eggs, Earl Grey tea and a bowl of fresh fruit. Simon had his plate loaded with meat. I looked at it with distaste, knowing exactly how the animals who had died for that had suffered. I wasn’t a vegetarian for nothing.

“Come on, let’s sit over there,” Simon said, pointing to a table at a far corner of the cafeteria, next to a small window with the curtains drawn shut.

I nodded, following him closely as he zigzagged between the occupied chairs. Suddenly, I noticed something odd. It seemed as if every time I looked at someone, they had to avert their eyes quickly. I quickened my pace to walk next to Simon. “Hey, why is everyone looking at me?”

“They’re not.” But he said it too quickly, glancing in the other direction.

“They are.” I glared at a girl who was openly staring at me, her eyebrows slightly raised.

“Well, you’re new and you’re with me – the freak of this school,” he stated sourly. “That’s enough reason to stare, I guess.”

We sat down and ate in silence for a while. Simon had made sure I was sitting with my back to the rest of the room, but I couldn’t help peeking back at the other students over my shoulder from time to time. They were all still staring or at least shooting curious and disapproving glances my way. How rude.

“Hi there,” a soft but dangerous voice said in my ear. “Slept in?”

I practically jumped out of my skin and glared at Eros, who was leaning casually on the table. “It’s rude to sneak up on people like that.”

He chuckled darkly. “Sorry for that, Demona. I never intended to scare you.” The twinkle in his dark eyes told me he meant the opposite of what he was saying. He looked me up and down then, pausing at my orange flip flops. It was much like the first time I’d met him – he really needed to learn that checking people out wasn’t polite. “Interesting choice of clothes, by the way.”

I looked at his clothes, seeing he was wearing all black with a really nice, deep red, expensive-looking jacket and matching sneakers. He looked gorgeous as always, and his mouth was turned up in a mocking half-smile. “What do you mean?”

“Demona…” He leaned down to whisper in my ear, making my skin crawl in a disturbingly good way. “Look around you, girl.”

I then glanced around the room, noticing for the first time that everyone looked like they had put on their best clothes or at least decent ones. I had figured that since it wasn’t a school day and it was a Saturday, everyone would be dressed comfy like me. Well, I’d obviously guessed wrong. So that was why they were all staring: because I was wearing baggy clothes and orange flip-flops. And well, maybe also because Eros was talking to me right now.

“Is it some kind of unspoken rule or something, that you all dress nice for a Saturday?” I asked, slumping down in the chair and pulling the hood of my sweater over my head.

“Yes, it is,” Eros confirmed. “Sunday is our comfy clothes, uncombed hair and… orange flip flops kind of day.” He chuckled. “No one told you?”

We both looked at Simon then, who was looking uncomfortable, a grayish glow around him instead of the purple one I’d seen when he’d come to get me.

“No, I didn’t get the memo, I guess,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “Well, too bad then, I feel fine in my clothes.”

“You look fine too,” Eros agreed, just a hint of seduction in his voice. “Well, enough chit-chat. I would like to invite you to sit with me at dinner. Trust me, that’s a unique offer.” 

“I’ll think about it,” I replied politely. “See you later.”

“Of course.” And then, in the blink of an eye, he was at the other side of the room, scaring some girl in all black, who I knew was a popular werewolf.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Simon then. “You let me come in here wearing… well, this.”

“I’m sorry,” he said remorsefully. “I didn’t realize you didn’t know and well… you look all right to me, no need to dress up.”

“Well, they think I’m an idiot now anyway.” I shrugged, waving at the kids behind me. “So I officially declare Saturday a comfy clothes, uncombed hair and orange flip flops kind of day.”

“Agreed,” Simon said, smiling. “You’re not mad?”

“Of course not,” I assured him, grinning back. I did think it was strange he hadn’t said anything earlier, but well, why make a big deal out of nothing? “So, what are your plans for today?”

His whole face lightened up now, as did the glow around him, turning bright purple. “Actually, Antwan practically begged me to invite you for an all-day Guitar Hero battle, if you’re up for it. Will and Guido are in too.”

“Great!” I responded honestly. “I’d love to.”




Where can you order a copy of this book, you ask?

Create Space: https://www.createspace.com/4799393

On Amazon (but they barely give me any royalties).

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