Chapter 33

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Note: this story has been published through Self Publishing. Keep in mind that the Wattpad version is only the first draft! For the polished version without the many mistakes, buy a copy!

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In the hours leading up to the night of the full moon, everyone was tense, werewolf or not. Of course, the wolves were more tense than anyone else, and they were moody as hell. I was thinking about what Mr. Hammerhead had told me the day before while I was sitting on the couch, watching my roommates pace around the room. Correction: watching two of my roommates pace the room. Sam was just hanging around in a comfy chair, reading a book for her English class. It was weird how Sam -  the moodiest of all of us by far on any given day – managed to stay her normal sarcastic self while Eve and Paulie were going insane.

“Ugh, how late is it?” Eve asked for the tenth time in half an hour.

“Five minutes later than the last time you asked,” I grinned. When I saw her angry glare, I quickly wiped the smile off my face. “Quarter past nine.”

“Only one more hour before we can go outside and howl to the moon with the others,” Sam joked. Somehow, it seemed like her mood was actually improving as she got closer to her change.

Around half past ten, all the weres had to be safely in the reserve. It was a half hour’s walk, but tonight, the wolves would be able to get there in half the time. Paulie had explained last night that their natural strength, sense of smell and superior hearing would improve in the two days before the change. They would also grow restless and begin craving the change. I’d had to watch my roommates and the other weres devour a lot of raw meet in the past meals. Paulie and Sam had talked a lot about finally having some fresh meat tonight, but Eve had refrained from joining in. I think she was just being a considerate friend to me, because I could tell by the glint in her eyes and the blush she was sporting that she wouldn’t mind sinking her teeth into a living, breathing animal either.

“I feel like ripping my hair out...” Paulie complained, her hands curled into tight fists. “God, I really hate the full moon...”

“In two hours, you won’t,” Sam assured her with a little smile. “None of us will.”

Eve shuddered. “I still think turning hurts way more than it is actually fun.”

Sam just shrugged. “Yeah, it hurts a little, but once you embrace the change, you can see, hear and feel so much more than you normally can... It’s a shame it only lasts for two more days afterward...”

“What do you mean, it lasts for two days?” I wondered aloud. I hadn’t heard anything about that.

“Well, the two days before the full moon, everyone gets restless and moody, but our powers are also at their peak. After the change, we can still enjoy our strength, our amazing hearing and sense of smell and we can still see in the dark better than any other time of the month...”

“And we won’t be feeling like throwing ourselves in front of a bus,” Paulie added with a grunt.

“Or out of a window,” Eve added, still pacing.

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now