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I have lost my will to live anymore. I ruined my own life.

I cant be honest with anyone online because it just results in me losing people. Im not allowed to be honest. Im not allowed to tell the truth, because look whats that done to me. Good fucking bye everyone.

And you all who sent me that card, thank you. But Im done. Im taking my own life because im tired of just ruining it anymore.

Plus. I was gonna die anyways. And who wants to die at the hands of disease? Not me. But im just the person who ruins her life by trying to help.

I try. I stay up late to talk to people. I put everything in me to help people, and look at me now.



And crying my eyes out.

Goodbye everyone.

And Alexandra...

I love you. Even in death.

Keep Smiling-- Vlante-- Vylad X Dante MCDWhere stories live. Discover now