Leaving Wattpad.

715 25 36

I didn't want to write this, but here I am.

I'm sorry.

So sorry.

None of my books will be finished.

No more will be posted..

Nothing you all will and can say will change my mind.

This account will not be deleted.

It stands forever.

Reason Im leaving?

All of my past 'friends' have left me, the one I have know is drifting away from me, and just not caring. (You know who I'm talking about)

And I understand. I mess up, alot more then most. But it seems pressing the mute button on someone I WASNT EVEN TALKING TO. Was sooooooo Fucking important, wasnt it?
So say im acting like a 'bitch' when your over there listening to one side of it. You dont know. And you never will. So shut the fuck up. Because it was never your business to begin with. And maybe, if you would just listen for once, you would've seen, I didn't want to talk about it! But you made me! I would NEVER Do that to you. And you know that.


Sorry. I didnt mean to go into a rant.

But, I cant go on forever.


-Madison (My real name)

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