Louis followed the humming and soon it got louder and louder. He made a turn around a corner and then he faced a boy who was on the floor leaning against a wall and was tapping his foot while humming. He was reading a book so Louis couldn't see the boy's face. He was clearly wearing a grey beanie and had on numerous bracelets.

Louis coughed and suddenly the boy stopped humming and put his book down to show his face. The boy was beautiful. He had curly hair which was combed back on the top if you looked closely but it was hard to tell cause of the beanie covering his head.

The curly haired boy stood up without even looking at Louis and grabbed his book and backpack and started walking away but Louis gently grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"I'm Louis."

"Harry." He said and looked at Louis. Their eyes met and Louis was a little taken aback with the boy's beautiful green eyes. Louis let Harry's wrists go and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Aren't you supposed to be at home?" Louis asked.

"I would ask you the same." Harry said. Louis loved the way his voice rumbled a bit. It was beautiful.

"Well my mum usually picks me up 2 hours later." Louis said.

Harry didn't respond.

"I don't see you around. Maybe that's because you aren't in my classes." Louis said, clearly trying to make a conversation.

"I'm not really noticed and I'm praticially invisable. And I'm in your maths and english classes. You don't see me cause I sit in the back." Harry said.

"Really? That's weird cause I'd notice a handsome lad like you." Louis flirted.

Harry blushed a little and the sides of his lips twitched a bit.

"Um.. I g-gotta go." Harry said trying to leave but Louis blocked his path.

"What's the rush Harry?" Louis said with a smirk.

"What do you want Louis." Harry said in a surprisingly deep voice.

"What do you-"

"Don't be clueless. I know people like you. No one ever talks to me unless they need something." Harry interrupted.

Louis sighed and raised his hands in defeat.

"I want you to be my after school buddy."

Harry looked at him confused.

"What do you mean? Don't you normally hang out with that Niall kid after school?"

"Yeah well he ditched me."

"What makes you think that I'd be your after school buddy?" Harry asked crossing his arms.

"Cause you're a nice guy and you can't resist hanging out with a handsome and sexy lad like me." Louis said.

"No." Harry said.

"Please Harry! I promise I'll owe you one." Louis said

Harry thought for a moment and thought that he could use this as an advantage for something.

"Ok deal." Harry said.

"Awesome! But there are some rules." Louis said.

"Ok what are they?"

"First rule is that this is an after school thing so we aren't friends. Well not unless you're a really cool kid then I'd think about it. Second is that we aren't going to sit with eachother at lunch or anywhere. Third, you cannot ditch me. Fourth, don't fall in love with me."

Harry looked at the older boy wide eyed. And Louis just laughed.

"Look at your face! Its hilarious oh my god." Louis continued laughing.

Harry frowned and Louis stopped laughing and looked at the boy.

"You look cute when you're angry." Louis said.

Harry stopped frowning.

"Louis I know you're gay so stop making it even more obvious by flirting with me." Harry stated which shocked the older lad.

"H-How did you know?"

"First of all you're shamelessly flirting with me and second of all I'm also gay so I know this stuff." Harry said.

"Don't tell anyone." Louis said a little shocked that Harry is gay.

"I never said I would. Maybe I could use this as an advantage."

"Shut up Harold."

"Don't call me Harold."

"Ok Harold."

Harry frowned a bit an then sighed. He would have to deal with this for another 4 months but this was better than being alone all day while reading a book with nothing else to do. And his best friend Zayn often told him to try and socialize a bit. Even though Louis is a bit annoying he was cute.

"Just don't flirt or tease me." Harry said as he took a step back from Louis.

Louis smirked evilly with a hint of mischeif in his eyes. He walked towards Harry closer and closer until the curly haired lad was backed up against the wall. Louis put his hand on the wall and moved closer to him until their noses touched. Louis could praticially hear his heartbeats. Harry's breath hitched and held his breath.

Louis leaned towards Harry's ear and his nose touched his neck. Harry shivered and closed his eyes holding a moan. Louis hummed in Harry's hear, his hot breath hit Harry's neck which cause the younger lad to shiver again. He moaned a little which turned Louis on.

"No promises and you sound sexy when you moan." Louis whispered and then he left. Leaving Harry in shock.

What just happened. Harry thought. He looked down and saw a bulge. "Shit." Harry mutterred and quickly walked to the bathroom to fix himself up.

This was going to be a long 4 months.

I hope you guys liked this part and especially the ending ;) Click the vote button and comment your thoughts!!! :D

After School Buddy (Larry Stylinson fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang