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Mia woke and groaned. She heard her sister having sex with Freddie again. Mia hated that she only had sex when Patrick was free. Mia understood she was a bit on the side but deep down, she wanted more from him.

Mia hadn't spoken to her parents much. She hated how they spoke to her at times. Mia walked downstairs after grabbing a quick shower. She was going for her morning jog.

"Mia, can we talk?" Helen asked. She handed her daughter some breakfast.
Mia sighed. "I'm going for my jog. You know I always do."
"That can wait. I want to apologise for the other week over at Patrick and Maxine's. It was inexcusable," Helen said.
"It's done. Forget it."

Mia quickly left the house and began jogging. She wasn't paying attention when she bumped into Patrick. "Morning."
"Morning Mia."
It was then that Mia noticed Maxine. She tried to hide the look of disappointment on her face. She wanted some time alone with Patrick. "I should continue. Don't wanna hold you up," Mia mumbled.
"See you later," Maxine said.

Mia continued on her jog and tried to hide the tears that were going to spill. She was thankful she didn't bring her phone when she was out on her jogs.

When Mia went home, she saw Sophie and Freddie on the sofa. "Do you ever shut up?"
Mia rolled her eyes. "Just leave me Soph."

Mia went to her room and closed the door. She broke down crying.

Sophie didn't know what was wrong with her sister.
"Is she okay?" Freddie asked.
"I'm not sure. Look, go see your brothers. I'm going to talk to her," Sophie said. Freddie nodded. He kissed her and left.

Sophie went upstairs and knocked the door. Mia has closed and locked it.
"Mia? What's wrong?" Sophie asked.
"Nothing. Leave me alone," Mia mumbled. Sophie could tell that Mia had been crying.
"Mia, I know there's something wrong. You don't get upset for nothing," Sophie said.
Mia glared. "Back off! Go shag your boyfriend."
"Oh grow up Mia. No wonder you haven't got a boyfriend."

Mia watched as Sophie left. She turned her phone off and went to fall asleep. She began slowly dozing off. Mia had an erotic dream about Patrick. His hands were all over her. Mia's breath began to quicken.

Mia woke in a hot sweat a few hours later. She looked around the room. No was there.
"Wow," Mia mumbled as she recalled her dream. It was extremely erotic.

She got up and checked herself in the mirror.
"Can I see you? - P xx"
Mia grinned and immediately replied.
"Of course - M xx"

Mia got changed out of her sports clothes. She put on a pair of denim shorts, a vest top and her wedged shoes.

Helen walked in just as Mia came downstairs. "Where are you going?" She asked.
"Out. To see a friend. Is that alright?"
Mia didn't wait for a reply. She left straight away. She walked to Patrick's flat as she knew Maxine was out.

Patrick opened the door when she rang the doorbell.
"Hello Mr Blake," Mia said.
Mia went on into the flat. Patrick closed the door and pinned her against it. Mia kissed him hungrily.

"I hated seeing you with Maxine earlier," she mumbled.
"She's my girlfriend," Patrick said as he kissed her neck.
"So what?"

Patrick pulled Mia over to the sofa. He pushed her down. "Did you go to the doctor?"
"Yeah. I have to refrain from sexual activity for four weeks," Mia said. She and Patrick had talked about Mia going on the pill.
Mia grinned. "I'm joking."
Patrick smirked. "Cheeky little minx."
He pushed a finger in. Mia groaned and gripped the sofa. Patrick smirked.

Mia loved how Patrick had the ability to make her his with his touch. She was falling for him.
"Hard," Mia begged. Patrick gladly obliged. He thought Mia was beautiful and seeing her like that made her think she was even more beautiful.

Patrick kissed her passionately. The key was placed into the door. Patrick pulled away from Mia and helped her up.

Maxine walked in. "Oh. Mia, I wasn't expecting to see you."
Mia didn't know what to say. She looked at Patrick. "Mia was here looking for Sophie. I explained she wasn't here," Patrick said.

Mia stood from the sofa. "I should probably go. Walked out on my mum," she mumbled.

Mia went home. She hated how Maxine always walked in. She felt her phone buzz.
"This weekend. Me and you - P xx"
"Huh? - M xx"
"Taking you out for the weekend - P xx"

Mia grinned. She couldn't wait. Mia went to her salon and knew she had to start decorating it. She went home and got changed into old clothes.
"You okay?" Sophie asked.
"Yeah. I'm going to make a start on the salon," Mia told her sister
Sophie smiled. "I can help?"
"No. I wanna do it on my own. That way no one can throw it back in my face," Mia said.

Mia went down to her salon. She put the shutters down and turned on the lights. She opened the paint tins and began painting samples on the wall.

The door knocked. Mia frowned and went to open it. It was Patrick. Patrick made his way inside. Mia locked up the place again.

She looked at him.
"Can I help?"
Patrick smirked. "We didn't finish what we started earlier."
Mia set down the brush and put her hands on her hips.
"Did we not?"

Patrick pushed her up against the painted wall. Mia moaned feeling him attack her neck. She began to fiddle with his belt to open it. Patrick smirked. "Maxine thinks I'm at the school."
"Good. Means I get you for a bit," Mia mubled and she fiddled with the belt.

When she got the belt undone, she pulled it off and threw it on the floor. She unzipped his trousers and grinned. "I had a sexy ass dream about you," she whispered as Patrick kissed her neck.

Sophie and Helen went for a walk around the village. "Have you noticed Mia looking odd?" Helen asked.
Helen shrugged. They walked past the salon and heard her giggling.
"She's probably watching a movie. She does that when she wants to escape," Sophie said. Helen agreed.

Patrick was pounding into Mia against the wet wall. Mia gripped his hair as they made out.
"I need it harder," Mia moaned. Patrick went as hard and fast as he could. Mia was loving it.

Patrick bit down on Mia's neck. He knew they would be covered in paint. He would have to think of a good explanation for Maxine.

They both climaxed. Patrick pulled out and redressed him self. He handed Mia his credit card. "What's this?"
"Book us a Hotel. A nice one and then use it to pay for decorators. Bring it back when you've finished," Patrick said. He kissed Mia passionately.
Mia kissed back. "Leave Maxine for me."
Patrick sighed. "I will eventually."

Patrick left. He put his jacket on which hadn't been covered in paint. Mia tidied up and went to the house.

She climbed into the shower after putting her paint covered clothes in the wash. She couldn't get over Patrick giving her his credit card. She couldn't believe he wanted to spend the weekend with her. She was excited but nervous.

Mia got out the shower and went to her bedroom. She went online and looked for Hotels.

She found one she liked the look of. It had a spa. She booked it and smiled. She then booked some decorators for the salon.

Mia grabbed her jacket and went to take the credit card back. She knocked the door. Sienna answered. "Mia, hiya."
"Is your father in?"
"Sure. Why?" Sienna asked.
"He gave me his credit card to book decorators for the salon as I was failing at it when he visited it," Mia said. Sienna laughed and got her dad.

Patrick smiled at Mia. Mia handed him his card back.
"There you go. All booked. They start on Saturday," Mia said.
"It's a pity I'm out of the village," Patrick said.
"Don't worry. So am I. I think Sophie said she would keep an eye on them," Mia told him. They were both brilliant at lying.

Mia winked discreetly at Patrick. Maxine smiled. "Where are you this weekend? Patrick's at a course," she said.
Mia smiled. "Meeting up with some friends from back home. Haven't seen them in a while," she lied.
"Ooo. Possible romance?" Maxine asked.

Patrick walked Mia to the door. "I'll text you the details for the Hotel. I think you'll like it," she quietly said.
"Perfect," Patrick whispered.

He discreetly kissed her cheek. She grinned and left.

Mia went to the house. Sophie was there.
"Sophie I'm going to see some friends from back home this weekend. Could you make sure the decorators do the work?" Mia asked.
"Of course."

Mia went upstairs and immediately text Patrick all of the details. She couldn't wait. She went online and bought new sexy lingerie.

Luckily enough, Mia's lingerie would be arriving the day before they went to the Hotel. She couldn't wait to have a whole weekend of her and Patrick.

Mia went for dinner. Michael looked at his daughter. "Soph tells us you're having a weekend away."
"Yeah. I'm meeting with Becky, Lula and Tabby," Mia lied.
"That will be nice. But stay safe. I want you to ring us," Michael said. Mia rolled her eyes.
Sophie smiled. She knew her sister would be safe enough.

Patrick sat at the dinner table. Maxine kept talking on. All Patrick could think of was Mia. He needed her. I wanted to see her.
"Come meet me in my car - P xx"
Mia got the text and replied.
"Sure - M xx"

Mia stood from the table and grabbed her jacket. "Where are you going?"
"Fresh air. I'm feeling sick," Mia lied.

Patrick was parked up down the road from Mia's house. He smirked when she got in. "I got your text."

"Lets go," Patrick said. He drove to outside the village and parked in the park. He locked the car and turned off all the lights.

Patrick climbed into the back and brought Mia with him. Mia straddled him and kissed him. She pulled him out.
"I need you baby," Mia moaned.
"Me too baby."

Mia kissed him passionately. She let him push in and she began riding him.

Sienna and Maxine were watching TV. "Where's dad?"
"Gone out. Something to do with the school," Maxine said.
Sienna frowned. "It's half past 8. But I'm going back to Darren soon so I'll see if I can spot him," she said.

Patrick climaxed and Mia soon followed. "Can't wait till Saturday?" Mia teased.
"No. I get to do you all day," Patrick said. Mia cuddled into him.
"I love you."
Patrick smiled. "I love you too."

Mia yawned. Patrick sat up.
"I think I need to get you home," Patrick said.
"Please, just a few more minutes," Mia said. She didn't want to leave Patrick.
"Okay beautiful."

Patrick and Mia cuddled up. Patrick held her. They watched all the stars out of the window of the car.
"The stars are so pretty," Mia mumbled as she twiddled with his shirt. "Let's stay here forever."
"I wish we could. I should get you home."

Patrick dropped Mia off and watched as she went inside. He went home.

Mia went to her bedroom and flopped down on her bed. She had to wait four days until she had a weekend with Patrick.

The next morning, Sophie went to the pub to see Sienna and plan the wedding. She saw Mia standing by the river outside the pub. "Mia?"
"Oh! Hiya."
"What you doing?"
"I'm waiting on Patrick. He says she's found some really neat stuff for the salon," Mia said. Sophie and Sienna believed her.
"I can't wait to see it when it's done," Sienna said.
"You'll be first to see it."

Sienna and Sophie went inside.
"Ready?" Patrick asked. Mia jumped.
"Don't sneak up on me life that," Mia said. Patrick chuckled. "Yeah, I'm ready."
Patrick took her to his car. "Come here."
Mia walked over and he kissed her. "We're going to get you looking beautiful for this weekend."
Patrick smiled. "I'm buying you new clothes."
Mia winked. "That's sweet but I won't be needing any. I don't intend on getting drunk," she whispered.
Patrick chuckled. "Get in."

Mia and Patrick drove to the shopping centre. Patrick walked inside with Mia. He held her hand tightly. Mia smiled.
"This is what I've wanted," Mia said. Patrick smiled.
"Same here gorgeous."

Mia ran to a summer dress. She loved it. She seen the price tag and put it back. She walked around the shop. Patrick lifted the dress in her size and went over to the till.

"What you doing?" She asked.
"I told you. I'm buying you clothes," he replied.
Mia walked over to him and kissed him. "Thank you."

Mia and Patrick left the shop. "No way. Mia!"
Mia turned to see her old friend Brittany. "Oh hiya."
"Who's this?" Brittany asked.
"I'm Mia's boyfriend," Patrick said. Mia smiled at him.
"Yeah, he's my boyfriend," Mia told her.
"You certainly did well for yourself," Brittany said.

Mia and Patrick eventually got in the car.
"Boyfriend?" Mia asked.
Patrick smiled. "Isn't that what we are?"
"I guess so."
"Well then."

They went back to the village. Sienna and Sophie came over. "What have you got for the salon?" Sophie asked.
"Oh. It's with the decorators. Thought it be best," Mia lied.

Mia groaned as they walked off. She looked at Patrick. "This weekend can't come quick enough."
"I know baby. Just a few more days," Patrick said. "I love you."
"Love you too Paddy."
Patrick laughed at his nickname.

Patrick and Mia went to the salon. The decorators had finished. Mia smiled at her salon.
"It's really coming to life isn't it?" Mia commented.
"Yeah babe."

Mia wanted Patrick but she knew people were looking in at them so she couldn't. "If this place weren't so public, I'd let you have me," Mia teased.

Patrick went back to the flat. Mia went home and sighed. She fell down onto her bed.

Patrick made dinner for Maxine. She was having a bath. She left the bathroom. "Haven't seen you around much today," Maxine said.
"I took Mia to get decorations for the salon. It's really coming to life," Patrick lied.
"That's brilliant. We'll all have to have a go when it's done," Maxine said. Patrick nodded. Maxine was beginning to irritate him.

Mia ate her dinner and thought of the weekend. She was excited.
"Mia's salon is looking well," Sophie said.
Helen nodded. "I took a sneak peak. Patrick has really gone for the best," she said.
Mia smiled. "He's invested so I wanna make it sucessful."
"Good. Don't let him down. Anything he wants, you give it him," Michael said.

Mia sniggered at the comment. She started mumbling. "I give him what he wants and more."
No one heard her. She grinned. She went upstairs and began to pack for the weekend. She put in her new sexy lingerie.

Sophie opened the door.
"I want to apologise about Freddie and I," Sophie said.
"It's fine. Honest," Mia mumbled. She was more concerned with making sure she had all the clones she needed.

Sophie sat down and smiled. "You're doing so well."
"I'll come with you this weekend?" Sophie asked.
Mia shook her head. "No. It's a reunion type of thing."

Sophie left her sister alone. Mia got ready for bed and began sexting Patrick. "Little minx - P xx"
"You like it - M xx"
"That I do gorgeous - P xx"

Mia grinned as she set down her phone. She drifted off to sleep and had a dream about Patrick.

In the dream, Mia and Patrick were in the shower. Patrick pinned Mia up against the wall of the shower.

Mia groaned. She felt the dream was real. She shot up and felt herself sweaty. "Calm down. It's just a dream. There's no way he'd do that," she mumbled.

Mia didn't know that Sophie walked in. "Who won't do what?" She asked.
Mia became speechless.

Patrick re-read Mia's texts and sighed. She had turned him on but he knew she wouldn't be able to come to him now. He would have to make do with Maxine.

Patrick looked and seen Maxine fast asleep. He got on his clothes and went to Mia's house.

Sophie had gone to sleep in her own room. Patrick threw rocks at Mia's window. Mia opened it and grinned.
"Come up," Mia said.

Patrick climbed up the drain pipe and got into Mia's room. Mia closed and locked he bedroom door.
"I need you Mia," Patrick admitted.
Mia smiled. "You really can't wait can you?" She asked.

Patrick grabbed Mia's wrists and threw her on the bed. He smirked and straddled her as he unfastened his belt. "Don't moan."

Sophie laid in bed. She heard Mia moaning. She left her bedroom and saw her parents standing on the landing. "Who's in there with Mia?" Helen asked.

Helen flung open the door. Mia gasped and woke up in a hot flush. It was all a dream. Or so she thought.

Helen looked at Mia.
"I think you need to talk things through with someone," Helen said.
Mia scoffed. "You've never had a wet dream before?"
Helen walked out.
"Yeah! Didn't think so!" Mia yelled.

She went downstairs and went straight for her jog. She didn't want to be around her family.

While she was jogging, she kept thinking about her dream. It felt so real to her. Mia's phone buzzed.
"Amazing night last night. I enjoyed it  - P xx"
Mia was shocked.
"Missed you this morning - Mia xx"

Mia was so happy since getting that email.
"What's got you smiling?" Sophia asked Mia.
"Nothing. Just confirming this weekend."

Finally, the weekend came. Mia was up at 6:30 getting ready. She couldn't wait. She had made sure she had condoms.

Mia checked her appearance in the mirror. Patrick had text her asking if she was nearly ready.
"Of course baby - M xx"

Mia went downstairs with her small suitcase. She grabbed some breakfast and ate it.
"Outside when ready - P xx"
"Coming now baby - M xx"

Mia grabbed her suitcase and went to Patrick's car.
Patrick put Mia's suitcase into the bag. "The hotel is over an hour away. We won't be seen," Patrick said.

While they were driving, Patrick looked at Mia. "Let me have your phone. You won't be needing it."
Mia grinned and handed him the phone. He put it into the glove compartment. Patrick put his hand on her thigh while driving.

Maxine went over to the Johnson house. She and Helen had become friends. "Patrick's away for the weekend. It's odd being there alone," Maxine said.
"Mia went to see her friends too. Stay here with us," Helen offered. Maxine thanked her.

Patrick rubbed Mia's thigh gently. They were on the motorway. Patrick's hand went under her dress. He felt she had no pants on.
"Oh baby," Patrick said. Mia grinned.
"Just for you."

Mia stared ahead until she felt Patrick's fingers in her.
Patrick smirked as he pleasured Mia. "Naughty girl."
"J-Just for you," Mia mumbled.

When they eventually arrived at the hotel, Mia was needing Patrick. She needed a release and quick. "Are you alright ma'am?" A conceirge asked.
They went to their room. Patrick unlocked it. Mia pulled him inside.
"Put the suitcases to the side. I need you," Mia said.

Patrick put the cases to the side. He let Mia pull him to the bed. She fell down onto the bed and he fell with her. Patrick kissed her cheek gently. He then began to travel his kissed further down.

Mia moaned in pleasure. She pulled Patrick's mouth to hers and they began kissing passionately.

Sienna went to find Sophie. "Mia's in London isn't she?"
Sophie nodded. "Yeah. Why?"
"My dad is in London too. They might bump into each other," Sienna said.

Mia and Patrick weren't in London. They were both an hour out of Hollyoaks village. Mia cuddled into Patrick's chest. Patrick held her close.
"You're so beautiful," Patrick said. Mia smiled.
"You're very handsome."

Mia fell asleep. Patrick watched her. He was so in love with her. Patrick knew he had to leave Maxine for her. He wanted to.

Sienna and Sophie were beginning to question about Patrick and Mia.
"It's perfectly innocent," Sienna said. Sophie nodded.
"Yeah. Besides your dad isn't Mia's type. She likes them in their 20's and with muscle," Sophie said.
"Muscle men."

Mia was getting dressed. Patrick was taking her for dinner. Mia put on a short dress and heels. She curled her hair and did her make up. She was loving being able to be with Patrick without anyone interupting.

Mia got dressed and went to Patrick. Patrick smiled widely.
"You're beautiful," Patrick said. Mia smiled widely. Patrick kissed her cheek.

Patrick and Mia went to the restaurant. It was extremely expensive.
"Patrick, you shouldn't have," Mia said.
"I wanted to," Patrick told her.
Mia smiled as Patrick pulled out her chair for her.

"Order whatever you want," Patrick said. "Does that include you?" Mia asked. She kicked off her heel and ran her foot up and down his leg.

They ate their meal and Patrick got a text from Maxine.
"Missing you a lot. Wish you were here. We'll have some fun when you're back - Mxx"

Patrick rolled his eyes. "Problem?" Mia asked as she took a sip of her wine.
Patrick showed her. Mia groaned.
"Ugh," Mia said.
Patrick smiled. "I'm going to leave her for you. I want to."
Mia grinned.

Mia began to use her foot to play with Patrick's crotch under the table.
"M-Mia," Patrick stuttered.
"Yeah baby?" Mia asked innocently.
"I'm going to..."
"Just do it."
Patrick climaxed. Mia grinned and winked. She put shoe back on. "We could go for a walk," Mia said.
"Of course."

Patrick paid the bill. He took Mia's hand and they went for a walk around the hotel. "You're amazing," Patrick said.
"I'm really not."
"You are. I love you," Patrick admitted. Mia grinned and kissed him.
"I love you too," she said. Patrick kissed her hard.
"Go to the room?" Patrick asked. Mia nodded.

Patrick and Mia went to the hotel room. Patrick stopped Mia from undoing his shirt.
"Paddy?" Mia asked.
Patrick smiled. "Can we make love tonight? Not sex. Just love."
Mia grinned. "I would love to."
She knew Patrick wouldn't be rough with her. Patrick took her over to the bed. He laid her down and smiled. "You're amazing."
Mia smiled and they slowly undressed each other.

Patrick pushed in. Mia gripped his shoulders and they kissed him passionately.

Maxine tried to ring Patrick. She sighed. "I think Patrick's cheating," she admitted to Helen.
"With who?" Helen asked.
Maxine sighed. "I don't know."
"You need to try to find out."
Maxine agreed.

Patrick and Mia kissed passionately as they made love. Both of them found themselves getting more passionate with each other. They climaxed together.

Patrick seen all the missed calls. He turned off his phone so he couldn't have to be in contact with Maxine. He had the only girl he wanted.

Mia cuddled into Patrick. He held her tightly as she fell asleep. Patrick knew when everyone found out the affair, there would be trouble. He didn't care. He loved Mia.

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