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Mia sat in bed with Aimee. She was hurt over the fact Patrick slept with Belle. Someone she thought was her friend. She was pregnant and he had done this to her.

Aimee looked to Mia. She smiled. "Are you okay?" She asked as she sat with her.

Mia shock her head. "I can't believe he'd do this. I'm pregnant with his baby. He cheated on me. It's not as if I never gave him sex," she told her.

Aimee placed a hand on top of hers and smiled. "He's a pig. You don't deserve that," she said as Mia looked to her and smiled.

Mia knew that it was a mess. She hated it. She didn't want to speak to him. She looked to her phone as it rang. She sighed as she declined the call. It was too much for her and she hated it.

"Have you seen Warren?" Mia asked, wanting to change the subject.

Aimee looked to her and sighed. "I know he's back. I have been trying to avoid him. I loved him Mia and he went to jail because of my mother. And now he's back. I just don't know how to face him. It's my fault," she told her.

Mia hugged her. She smiled. "No it's not. I promise."


Mia walked out of price slice. She sighed as she saw Patrick. She looked to him and frowned. She crossed her arms over her chest. She looked to him. "What do you want?" she asked.

Patrick looked to her and sighed. "Don't be like that Mia. We need to talk. You're having my baby after all," he told her.

Mia looked to him. She rolled her eyes. "Don't make me out to be the bad guy. You're the one who slept with someone else."

"It was an accident."

Mia rolled her eyes. "Oh. I'm sorry. Did I misunderstand? Did you fall and your clothes fell off and you ended up inside of her? It wasn't a mistake. You cheated on me with my so called friend. And now I know why she has vanished. Just stay the hell away from me. I mean it" she spat as he looked to her and sighed.

Mia walked off trying to fight the tears in her eyes. She hated how he made her feel. How crappy it was. But she knew that she was pregnant.

She knew that she had to think of the baby. Despite how much that she wanted to kill Patrick right now for everything.


Mia sat in the flat as she had a hand rested on her bump. She knew how her heart hurt. How everything that had happened killed her. But she didn't care over Patrick and what was going on.

All that she cared about was this baby. She knew that he was the father of her baby. How she had to try and find a way to include him in all of it.

But she knew it wasn't going to be easy. But could Mia and Patrick find a way to move forward?

Best Friend's Father {Hollyoaks} Where stories live. Discover now