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A/N - Just to clarify, Mia's older sister Sophie is Sienna's friend. Mia is close to Sienna because of this! Mia is nineteen.

The Johnson family pulled up outside their new home. The youngest habitant of the car was nineteen year old Mia-Rose. She was fresh out of college and looking to head to a University close to home.

Michael, the father began unpacking the bags while Helen took her daughter's to their house. Mia had an older sister named Sophie who was twenty-six.

Mia looked around the house and raised her eyebrows. "This is modern?" She asked.

"Yes Mia. You just need a vision."

Mia rolled her eyes. "I'm going for a walk. Take in the pretty sites."

Helen looked at Sophie. "Go with her so she doesn't get lost."

Mia and Sophie left the house. "Have you ever been so disappointed to live somewhere?" Mia asked her sister.

Sophie shrugged. "I don't know. There could be some perks."


"Hot men?"

Mia laughed. "Maybe."

Sophie smiled and linked arms with Mia. Mia and Sophie walked around the village.

"Sienna?" Sophie asked. Mia seen her sister running to a girl. Mia stood there.

Sophie and Sienna hugged tightly.

"This is my little sister Mia," Sophie said. Sienna hugged Mia.

"I remember you. You were nine the last time I saw you," Sienna said.

Mia smiled slightly. "Yeah. Grown up since then," she replied.

Sienna was taking Mia and Sophie to the flat. She wanted to re-introduce them to her father - Patrick.

Mia groaned as Sienna and Sophie started talking about Sienna's upcoming wedding to Darren Osbourne.

"Here we are," Sienna said. Mia groaned. She couldn't be bothered. Sienna opened the door.

"Dad, I have guests," Sienna said.

Patrick walked out of the bedroom buttoning up his black shirt.

"Sorry, just out of the shower," Patrick said. Mia's eyes went straight to the part of his chest that was visible.

"It's okay. This is Sophie and Mia," Sienna said to him.

Patrick smiled. "Your parents are Michael and Helen right?"

Sophie nodded. "Yeah. Sienna and I used to play dolls before we moved," she informed him.

Mia couldn't speak. She happened to think Patrick was extremely handsome for a guy his age. "You're Sophie's younger sister aren't you?"

"Y-Yeah. I-I'm M-Mia," she stuttered.

"Don't be nervous. I don't bite," Patrick joked. Mia smiled.

"I'm showing Sophie something," Sienna said. Sophie and Sienna went to her room. The door closed.

Patrick gently put an arm around Mia's waist to move her so he could get past. Mia smiled at the contact.

"Are you okay?" Patrick asked. Mia just nodded.

She wanted Patrick to more than touch her waist. She wanted him already.

Mia sat on the sofa. Patrick handed her some coffee. "Thank you."

Best Friend's Father {Hollyoaks} Where stories live. Discover now