Under The Mistletoe [24]

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"Draco, where are we even going?" Harry questioned, still getting dragged along by the suddenly excited Slytherin boy.

"We're here." Draco spoke, letting go of Harry's wrist. Seeing where they were, the smile then slipped right off of Draco's face, as old memories seemed to come flooding back. He wanted to come up here, up the astronomy tower, to maybe just lean on the railing, look at the scenery and just talk for hours. Draco wanted to move forward past everything with Harry, even if this place reminded him of the scarring death of their headmaster.

"Why did you bring me up here?" Harry murmured, frowning as he saw Draco walk towards the railing, leaning his forearms onto it as he clasped his hands together into one big fist. Hesitant at first, Harry stayed right where he was. But then, with a sigh, Harry walked up, standing beside the blonde boy as he also pressed his weight into the bar, looking down at the world below.

"I can't believe how long it's been already." Draco whispered, his grey eyes full of sadness.

"Well, it's only been like four years." Harry pointed out. "But yeah, it sure has been awhile, since..." He trailed off.

"I really wish I could turn back time, Harry. To stop all that from happening..."

"I bet you do..." Harry replied. "But, it's all in the past now I guess, so... You know." Harry managed a small smile. "I think Dumbledore would have been proud to see you change."

Clasping his hands even tighter together, Draco was trying to resist the urge to start crying, as all those old, raw emotions were coming back. Harry turned towards him, a little surprised to see Draco burst into tears. It was then that Draco suddenly stepped away from the railing, and before Harry had the chance to say a single thing, the sobbing boy threw his arms around the Gryffindor in a close embrace.

"I'm sorry, Harry... I'm so sorry..."

"H-Hey..." Harry stuttered, grinning and then putting his arms around Draco to return the hug. "It's okay. It's all going to be okay."

"How is it, though? Your stupid friends won't accept me in a million years. My friends would laugh at me if they heard I was friends with you and... I don't know what my father would say."

"That's your problem. You always worry about what everyone else thinks. Just relax a little." Harry said, trying to reassure him. He waited for an answer from Draco, but was surprised when he didn't get one. Instead, he could feel Draco's fingers dig into his robe as his grey coloured eyes were shut tight.


How much longer could he take this? He could not tell. Harry was too damn nice to him, after everything that he had done! It didn't help that Draco felt like he crazily cared about the boy from Gryffindor and just having him here, trying to make him feel better... It didn't tone down his feelings any less. Why did he have to suffer, just because Harry and Ginny were together? She wasn't even anyone interesting! Just a boring, Weasley girl who literally started dating Harry for his fame! Nothing more! Everyone else may have believed they were truly in love, but Draco could glare right through her fake love for "the Chosen One".

"God damn it..." Draco sighed, letting go of Harry as he covered his eyes with his hand. "Potter, I don't know how much more of this I can take..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean I..." He trailed off.

"Don't get in the way of Harry or Ginny, otherwise I'll make sure it's fixed!" Hermione's voice echoed in his head. He narrowed his eyes, imagining she was there, trying to stop him from saying what was on his mind.

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