Detention [18]

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"You have got to stop this, Harry." Hermione exhaled, as she shut an old dusty book, putting it back in its rightful spot on one of the shelves. Harry aimlessly followed her around, watching her place book after book back to where they should be, as they wondered around the library. Harry frowned, shrugging his shoulders with his hands stuffed into his pockets.

"You're over reacting, Hermione." Harry spoke, sitting on top of a nearby table as she scanned the bookshelf beside her. Once again, letting out another sigh, she gave him a stern look, wanting to get through to him.

"Over reacting? You shouldn't be sneaking out at night, getting yourself detentions. Matter of fact, what were you even doing sneaking around with Draco?" 

"We were just hanging out, Hermione. Getting to know each other, you know? It's only a detention anyway, it's not that big of a deal." 

"I really worry he's a bad influence on you..." Hermione murmured, earning an eye roll from Harry as he got up to leave. 

"You sound just like Ron." Harry replied, as he turned on his heel, about to be on his way to leave the library. At least, until Ginny entered and stopped him in his tracks. 

"Harry! Hermione! Hey you guys!" She smiled, suddenly linking arms with Harry. "You guys okay? Your other arm feeling better yet, Harry?"

"Nope, still broken." Harry joked, earning a small frown from Hermione. 

"Well, I'm fine. But Harry over here ended up getting himself a detention." 

"What? Why?" Ginny rose a brow, giving her boyfriend a look of confusion. 

"He was found wondering the school halls at night with Malfoy." Hermione explained. Ginny gasped, before unlinking arms with Harry and giving him a slight slap in the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Duh! What do you think, stupid! Why were you hanging out with Malfoy? Since when were you two friends?"

"They've been friends for a few days or so, Ginny." Hermione admitted, biting her nails. Ginny widened her eyes, before furrowing her brows once more.

"And no one cared to explain this? Why didn't you tell me? Do you think I'll judge you if you told me or something?" Ginny complained at Harry, who then shrugged his shoulders. Luckily, to be saved by the bell, Draco entered the library, looking confused as he saw the three talking. He loudly cleared his throat, earning their attention and distracting them from their current conversation.

"What?" Ginny snarled at the boy in Slytherin, who rose an eyebrow at the girl.

"Uh... I just came by because me and Harry kind of have detention? Like, right now." Draco said. Harry grinned slightly, glancing at both his friends before going over to Draco and waving to the two, leaving the room to head to their detention.

"I still can't believe we have to spend our break in detention." Harry sighed, passing by many other students who were also on their break. Draco casually whistled, before nodding in agreement.

"Oh well. Suppose it could be worse." Draco said. "So... What were you guys talking about anyway?" 

"Eh... Well..." Harry frowned, earning a small smirk from Draco.

"Why so tense, Potter?" Draco joked, earning a small eye roll from Harry. It was then that his smile faded and he sighed, continuing to walk beside Harry as he looked down at his feet. "I know you guys were talking about me... And I get it if your friends don't want us to hang out. They think I'm a bad influence on you." 

"But you're not!" Harry protested. The moment Harry said that, Draco actually looked genuinely surprised. Like he hadn't expected Harry to disagree with his closest friends. 

"I don't get it... Why do you stick up for me over them? To you a few days ago  I was just a complete git." 

"A few days ago to you I was just a prat. Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Harry wondered. 

Saying nothing, Draco did not answer. Harry creased his brow, wanting Draco to reply, but before he got the chance to ask him why he wasn't answering, they reached the classroom that they had to spend detention in together. Draco was the first to open the door, Harry followed after only for both of them to see their potions teacher, Horace Slughorn. Honestly, they were expecting to have Snape for detention, but to their luck, perhaps Snape just needed to attend to business elsewhere.

Harry wasn't as relieved as he probably could have been because he wasn't exactly afraid of Snape anymore, but he could have sworn he heard Draco breathe a small sigh of relief, knowing that Snape was not there. 

"Oh, hello boys. So, you're the two who are currently here for detention." Horace chuckled, not seeming too angry or disappointed. That was just the kind of attitude he had, he wasn't exactly a hugely strict teacher. Harry really liked that about him.

"Yeah, uh... Do we have you for detention, sir?" Harry questioned, as he and Draco walked closer, looking around the classroom at various different things. Horace simply nodded.

"Yes, that is correct. At least, until the end of break. So you two just have to stay in here until then. Just sit at one of the desks, feel free to chat or whatever. Unless you two still don't get along, then choose to sit at separate desks." Horace explained. Both Draco and Harry shared a knowing glance, grins on both their faces, before looking back at the teacher.

"We uh, we'll sit together. We worked out our differences, sir." Draco spoke, Horace rose his eyebrows, actually surprised at this fact.

"Oh! Well, I'm glad to hear of that Draco! It's nice to see you're making friends with students from other houses... Well, on with detention I suppose." 

Nodding, the two students decided to sit down at one of the desks together, as Horace was working on something at the front. 

"Anyway, you never answered my question from earlier." Harry spoke, giving the boy in Slytherin a slight elbow in the side. "Why did you suddenly want to become friends with me anyway? Like, super badly. I was so sure, SO sure, you hated me." 

"I thought I explained this already." 

"Yeah but, you were even horrible to me on the very first few days... So it just doesn't make sense." Harry replied. Frowning, Draco went silent, not really knowing how to reply. It's not like he could really tell Harry the truth, tell him that he had developed feelings of love for him. No, he was sick and tired of being seen as a cold hearted person, and getting in the way of Harry and Ginny's relationship would only make him look like more of a git. With a sigh, and the roll of the eyes, Draco plastered a smirk on his face as he lightly elbowed Harry back.

"You ask too many questions, Potter." 

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