- Chapter Five -

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A/N: Okay, so y'all might know this but I will be updating a new chapter every Saturday & Tuesday! I hope y'all are liking this book so far. And all my other books as well. Some of them might be a tad bit crappy and I'm very sorry for that! Vote, Comment, & Add this to your library(: okaaaay, you shall move on to the story!









My outburst made those two pull away, I gagged at the disgusting siht. I can't believe Ashton!






I can't believe myself.

Why am I so jealous of Ashton and Jasmine? We're not even together. I like Luke, like a lot. I don't need to focus on some gold digger and a drummer. But I can't deny what I feel..

I look back at them and see that their oddly close & looking at each other. Ashton's hazel eyes look up at mine for a split second before smashing his lips onto Jasmine's.

Hurt filled my eyes, but then it turned to anger.

If Ashton wanted to play this game, then let's play.


It's been 30 minutes after what happen. Well after what those disgusting shits did on the couch. Calum pulled them away and had a talk with Ashton. Luke followed along leaving me with Michael and Jasmine.

Let's just say she's a total bitch. Even up close, she looks like one. It's like you're at the zoo and one animal just supposedly looks like a female dog.

Michael tried starting a conversation with her saying 'Hi' & she made fun of his black and kinda white hair. His face turn red after that. So I decided to jump in and defend him.

"At least he doesn't look like something coming out of the movie 'Shrek' stanky ass"

Michael kept laughing while Jasmine's face turned beat red. She crossed her arms and prop her long fake tanned legs on the coffee table.

I decided to ignore the bitch and head towards the kitchen to find Ash's mom. I haven't talked to her in forever and I miss her so much. She was like my second mom when my mom wasn't around. She fed me, bought me things, helped me and all that jazz (A/N: <<< lol what?)

I find her on the house phone, her faced filled with concern.

"Oh dear, yes. You can, I'm so very sorry for what happen between you and your mother. ----no i don't mind, come over, Harry might need someone to play with, his sister left early today in the morning to hang with some friends. Yes, come over. Okay bye. "

She hanged up the phone and looked up at me. Her eyes widen and she scramble up from her seat and hugged me.

"Oh Victoria! You grown! Not to be rude but why are you here?"

I hug her back and chuckled. "The boys except Ashton were with me and said that they'll be staying here for their break and ask me if I'll like to come."

She grinned and ask if I'll like something to eat.

"Umm, sure. Remember the usual?" I said while sitting down. She nodded and got out the ingredients and started cooking.

After she was done, she plop a plate full with dahi kebab. If you don't know what that is, it's a meat & egg crunchy patty with slices of onions, a lemon slice and cut cilantro on top. It was my favorite Australian dish. Ever. And it was the best when Mama Irwin made it.

My mouth watered at the sight and I dig in right away. She place a ice tea with a lemon slice at the edge of the long glass and a straw floating around in the cup.

I squeeze some lemon on the patty and shoved it in my mouth. This was so good.

I close my eyes in delight until I hear shouting from the other room.

I get up, and head towards the room where the yelling was from. The bedroom door flies open and Ashton and Luke come out, yelling at each other. Woah. I never seen them this mad before.

"What the hell do you want?! We didn't do shit so I don't know why you're so mad!" Luke yelled.

Ashton face got red and shouted back at him. "She's my damn EX! Don't you get it?! She's MY ex! And you're my best mate. You don't go pashing my ex! That's just wrong, and for you to like her? What the hell do I want?? I want you to stop going after my damn ex!"

"WHY? What's so wrong with liking your ex huh? You guys dated years ago and are DONE! You have that skanky ass bitch Jasmine so don't worry about me! Me liking Torie has NOTHING to do with you."

I stared in shock. I blurred out on them once Ashton started back firing on Luke.

Luke liked me, & Ashton was jealous? Oh geez, that made me laugh. Which is what I did. I laughed while they were fighting. Their eyes dart to me and stare back at me in shock.

Then a girl with familiar dark brown hair and dull grey eyes step in the house.

It was...

Claire Davidson?


Beside You // Ashton IrwinWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu