- Chapter One -

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Setting - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

* Ashton's house *

The beat of his drums soothing me. I close my eyes, listening to the to him beating his drum set he got for his birthday. His parents weren't home so we had the house to ourselves. Not like they would care. I've been over here ever since 5th grade.

The beating stopped, my eyes opening, questioning him why he stopped. " W-what's wrong?" I said. He smiled at me as he scooted closer, me staring at his adorable dimples I scooted closer to him as well. His smile grew even larger as he took my hand in his. I smile at our hands, tangled. " You're beautiful Torie. ( his nick name for me ) I have to tell you something though. " my smile grew bigger by the fact that he called me beautiful. I nodded, indicating that he can go on.

He took a big breath and said " Okay, well first, remember that band 5 Seconds Of Summer? I audition to be their drummer since they needed one but i'm not sure if I got it, and two." he held up two fingers. He started blushing and stuttered out. " I-I ....like you" i giggled, which made him give me a confused face. Of course he liked me, I was his best friend. And thats what I told Ash.

" Well duhh, im your best friend. What kinda best friends dont like each other?" i laughed. He looked confused as hell. That made me laugh harder. " No, Torie. I didn't mean it that way. I meant is as-" he stopped himself . Now I was confused. " As that i like you as a girlfriend."

I was shocked, while looking down. I didn't know what to say. I admit, i have grown some feelings for Ashton. But what if it ruins our friendship? I didn't want that to happen at all. I DO have feelings for him. And I really wanted to kiss him, looking back up, i gave him a small smile.

" That makes two of us." I said, blushing. He laughs and tackles me onto the couch. We were currently in his living room, where his drum set was. He couldn't fit it in his room so his parents said he can play whenever they were gone.

He started tickling and instantly I started laughing. Gosh, I did like him. I like the way he smiled, how his dimples indented into his cheek, how he laughed. It was the cutest sound ever. How he kissed me on the cheek whenever I was sad. How he was protected of me and most of all, how he played his drums. It was like he was in a whole different world.

He stopped and just stared at me. It kinda creeped me out but I pushed it aside.

He kissed me, right there and then. His mouth tasting like bananas. Our lips moving against one another. I pulled away, trying to catch my breath. I honestly didn't want him to go. Not when we finally told each other how we felt. " A-Ashton.." I held onto his shoulders as I sat on his lap. He stared down at me as I stared up at him. His eyes twinkling a little. " Don't e-ever leave..." I said to him, almost in tears. He gave me a small smile, hugging me tightly. I sniffled and hugged him back. He put his chin on my head and said "Never."


December 31st, 2013

I was just lying there. On my bed, thinking. About Ashton. My best friend. Gone. That was 3 years ago. 3 Holidays without him. And him not even texting me or contacting me. He told me he would never leave. That night when we kissed. We cuddle on his couch, him playing with my hair. Then he ask me to be his girlfriend. I said yes, of course. He told me stories on how he started liking me back in Year 9 but kept it inside. That night was amazing, until 2 weeks later he got a call from the 5SOS manager saying that he was now the drummer in 5SOS. I cried that night, without him noticing of course. We only had 2 weeks of being together then he leaves. He had a day to pack everything. I helped and once we were done, we went to the airport. Before he goes off he says one thing that shatters my heart.

Beside You // Ashton IrwinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon