Chapter 30: Stolen Kisses

Start from the beginning

I dragged her to the kitchen and opened my mouth. "Look, I don't know what you're doing but if you hurt my bro-"

"Please just admit you are a player. Don't you think your boyfriend deserves to know? I wouldn't want Max to lie to me either. Nobody deserves that." Ah, what?

I thought she was going to defend herself but why she wants me to say that?

"You should tell him. Then let him decide if he wants you or not. Max accepted me even after knowing my past. I don't want someone to break your heart if they don't love you or can't accept you for who you are. You remember how that went last time." She didn't notice me looking at her in thought as she went on.

I know I shouldn't let her words get to me, but they do. I do remember how the last one went. I do remember how my heart was broken when I realized Wade was cheating on me. I shook my head and snapped back to reality.

"No Penny, the thing is how do you know what happened last time?" I asked coldly stepping back.

"Wait for me, Pax, please. Max told me last night. He was upset and I asked what's wrong so-" Something clicked in my head.

"You can stay the night here if you want." I could see at my answer she made a surprising squeak but calmed herself instantly.

"I do?″ She asked instead smiling somewhat.

"Yup. Why not? You clearly love my brother beyond imagination. So you're welcome to come here. Tell Max that and we're late. I gotta go. Bye Penny." With that, I walked out with Chris in tow.

But what I thought will not just be a thought anymore.


Senior week pep rally was something I might've enjoyed but the assistant or the culprit I knew as the name of Wade Henderson made it quite the difficult thing to do. First, he avoided me like he has no idea who I'm in front of the teachers. It was fine by me. Really. The problem started when Mrs. Gst said we should separate into few groups and I was in Wade's group without Chris.

And the biggest problem was by some unfortunate fate Nick was in Chris's group and I didn't trust the guy. Other than that all the member of the group was girls. Another problem. The only reassuring thing was Kara who voluntary went to that group.

My group consists of 7 people if I forget Wade. I have Alex, Max, Myra, Cory and her two friends, Natalie & Ashley. All in all, it was a sign that it was Wade's idea to separate us up.

"Why would you do that?" I asked accusingly when Mrs. Gst took Chris and his group away.

"Who said it was my idea?″ Wade smirked like it's the most foolish thing he's ever heard.

"Jerk," I muttered trying to sidestep.

"Ms. Rivera you're creating problems in the group," Wade yelled causing me to jump. Mrs. Gst lifted an eyebrow where she was standing so I gave her a tight smile and stood between my friends and frenemies.

"What the hell is his problem?″ Alex asked pointing at Wade who was giving us a tour of the museum. Turned out we were still touring the museum even after Myra's argument.

"He's making sure I'm suffering." I glared at his head who is smirking I'm sure. Since he has made his face shown girls have become crazy trying to be in his group. Alas, they have just got a diabolical jerk.

"Forget the Hulk and enjoy your senior week," Myra mumbled.

Nodding at her I tried to enjoy the rest of the tour. Surprisingly he didn't say or made any crude remark between the tours. He even let me escape for an hour to be with Chris. When it was finished, I walked outside. Damn! The sunlight never felt these good before.

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