Chapter 3: Diagon Alley

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Warning: Very OOC Percy up ahead, also: Disclaimer. If I owned Percy Jackson or Harry Potter a large part of the world's teenage population would hate me instead of ol' Ricky for that many Cliffies... and for the HP series making them too emotional... 


Percy POV

 I am SOOOO excited! I'm even more excited than the time Leo braught me an entire plate filled with melty delicious blue chocolate chip cookies!

....Well.... maybe not that excited...

... and the cookies turned out to be pranked...

as I mourned my misfortune we came to a stop in front of a brick wall. 

"WHERE ARE ALL THE COOL WIZARD SHOPS?!?!" well, looks like Leo beat me to that line.

The big hairy dude that was escorting us (and had still not introduced himself... psh, rude...) chuckled and tapped the wall with a...

giant pink umbrella. Then, a hole appeared in the wall.. and got bigger

and bigger

until it was wide enough to fit a laistrygonian giant through. 

Woah, magic is cool. 

We all walked through the new doorway and guess you could say that I looked like a fish out of water... wait.. actually I am... nevermind I think you get what I'm trying to say...

I noticed a shop that we passed and my eyes probably blew to about triple their normal size.

"OWLS? YOU GUYS SELL OWLS?!?!?" I exclaimed and everyone gave me a look that I'm quite used to and still don't understand..


Its official. I'm getting an owl... or some pet. it depends... I started making grabby motions with my hands and it looked like hairy dude was starting to doubt if it was a good idea to bring us to protect Hairy Potty or whatever-his-name-is.

"I guess 'yer can go... umm..?"

 I smiled and headed towards the store, I could faintly hear Hairy dude and Annabeth whispering behind me "Is he usually like this...?" "you'd be suprised.. this is TAME..."

Ignoring their doubt of my sanity, I opened the door and... 

"They are so CUTE!"

In front of me was an assortment of owls, frogs, cats, even bats.

Excited, I ran up to one cage and started trying to pet the owl. 

"CAN'T YOU SEE?" I jumped, behind me a man was storming out from behind the counter. "IT SAYS NO PETTING!!!" Sure enough, there was a sign nearby. I couldn't honestly read what it said though. 

"Sorry I'm dyslexic." I apologied. 

"What does that even MEAN? GET OUT!!!" he shooed me out the door. disgruntled, I walked out of the shop to the waiting crowd of demigods+1 with awed stares following me. 

"Great, just great. we let you roam for literally," Annabeth checked her watch, "two minutes and 30 seconds.. and you get kicked out of a store." Leo snickered.

"that's a new record, Perce"

"HEY" what's that supposed to mean?



Soon we passed "Olivander's"  a wand shop!

"Welcome, welcome to Ollivander's! Makers of fine wands for longer than your parents have even been alive!"the old man chuckled, and I whispered to Annabeth.

Magic? (Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and The Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now