"Photon!" Salamander cried, letting out a burst of smoke into two robot's faces. She pointed at five robots marching toward, stepping over the downed remains of their comrades. "Wipe those out!"

"Right!" Photon raised his hands. But instead of aiming at the 'bots, he took aim at the ceiling. "Watch, I saw this in a movie once!" Jason opened his mouth to yell a protest but too late. Photon fired.

His energy blast ripped through the ceiling and the chunk exploded. Chunks of the ceiling went everywhere, some of it raining down the robots and bouncing off them. Others chunks of the pieces went flying all around the room like ping pong balls. The Urban Spider ducked, a golf ball sized piece of the wall shooting over his head. A smaller piece hit Salamander in the chest and she gasped, doubling over, clutching the spot.

"Salamander!" Scarab bellowed, whirling around. She looked at the blast and gritted her teeth. "You idiot! Don't do that!" As she spoke, a robot swung a shovel at her shell. The spade smashed down hard against it and promptly cracked in half. Scarab absently swung her arm, smashing off the upper part of the robot.

Photon visibly cringed where he was floating. "S-sorry." Scarab frowned and pulled Salamander up, ignoring him. Salamander coughed, patting her chest.

"I'm alright...I'm alright..." She coughed out. She sounded like she had just run a marathon. The robots were closing in, Photon's little trick having done nothing to stop them. They raised their weapons high, a foot or so from Salamander and Scarab.

Jason charged, skittering toward the bots. Using his momentum, he leaped into the air and kicked out. His legs rammed into one robot's side, smashing it over. The Urban Spider grabbed another robot's neck as he went by and carried it with him to the floor. It smashed hard on its backside, its weapon flying free. Jason grabbed its head and with a twist and jerk, ripped it off.

He turned. A pipe came down at him. Jason rolled, the pipe slicing through the air. The robot swinging it rose up, another axe wielding robot right behind it. The Urban Spider crouched then lunged at them.

But something slammed into his back and he went flying forward, smashing into the pipe robot instead of wrestling with it. They both went down, Jason coming down on top of the 'bot. The thing whirred and twitched beneath him, one arm smacking against his shoulder.

Jason coughed and sputtered. A shadow fell over him. He looked up. An axe slashed down at his face. His eyes went wide.

But the axe suddenly stopped. Inches from Jason's face the robot stopped its deadly swing. Jason stared at the blade and let out a breath he didn't know he'd be holding. The robot straightened up, twisted around, and promptly went for the nearest robot. The axe wielding robot planted its axe into the other robot's chest, knocking it and rammed its axe down again and again into the robot's face.

"Aha!" Midnight cried. Jason looked at him. The young man had jumped to his feet and was typing away as his phone while surveying the room. "There we are took a me a little bit to navigate the network they had put the robot's receiving order address server in a different place clever very clever but I was able to trace the inherent signal and tracked it down soon enough now that robot is well and truly hacked he's ours now haha!"

True to Midnight's words, the axe wielding robot hacked the other robot's head to pieces and went after other one. The Urban Spider rubbed his backside and angrily looked up at Photon. He had felt that blow before when they had fought. Photon was floating near the ceiling, his expression unreadable but his shoulders were slumped. It had been an accident, no doubt. Jason's angry expression melted a little and he felt sort of bad for a moment. Then he remembered Photon's mistimed shot had nearly caused him to get an axe to the head and he decided he was pissed after all.

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