The stress of the additional incidents just last month hadn't helped either. Connecticut. Colorado. Chicago. Not as bad as the first time but still horrific. He had wanted the freaks they had caught transferred here but apparently they posed less of a security risk and were kept in the states. Goddamn idiots. That would just lead to more disaster. Those things would get loose if they weren't under his watch. He was putting pressure on his superiors to get a transfer authorized but so far, all they had accomplished was dragging their feet.

Olban sighed. He tried to take another sip of coffee. Empty. He groaned and stood, slamming the cup angrily against his desk. He'd need another if he was going to stifle these nerves. He marched for the door, listening to the distant sounds of thunder.

But before he could leave, a voice called out. "Sir!" The warden halted and turned back. At one of the security feeds sat one of his security officials. The man was leaning over the tracking system. Olban quickly crossed the room, the four guards immediately stand to attention as he did.

Olban leaned over the official's shoulder. He could see a blip on one of their radar systems. The official tapped it. "Just got something sir. Its an unidentified flying object of some kind, just a mile off."

"How the hell did that thing get this close without setting off radar sooner?!" Olban shouted. He glared at the screen, already feeling his heartrate begin to pick up speed. The security official shook his head helplessly.

"I'm not sure, sir. It just...appeared. Like it came out of nowhere."

Olban swore. He grinded his teeth together, the object on the radar getting closer. "Hail them." He stood, folding his arms, watching as the official grabbed the acoustic hailing device and spoke into it.

"Unidentified vehicle, you have entered a restricted military zone. Identify yourself immediately or you will be regarded as hostile. You have ten seconds to reply."

Olban waited. A few seconds of silence creaked by. Nothing. Static was their only response.

The security official looked up at Olban, awaiting orders. Olban pointed a finger at the screen. The object was closing in on the west side of the island. "Send out a red alert. Shoot it down."

The official nodded. He quickly activated the island COM channel and shouted, "Attention all personnel. An unidentified object has been sighted and is closing in fast. Object has failed to response to hails for intent. Commence-"

There was a sudden loud whine over the COM channel and a roar of static followed it. Olban covered his ears, the official doing the same at the noise. Olban knew what that sound meant. It meant there was a problem with the COM. Not good.

The noise continued for several moments before there was a crackle and the feed went dead. The official pressed the COM several times, trying to speak again into it, but nothing happened.

The official looked at the warden, face going white. "Feed's dead, sir." He helplessly looked at it. "Maybe cause of the storm or I dunno but the COM's been knocked out of comission."

"Don't panic!" Olban snarled, more to himself than anyone else. He took out a walkie talkie and spoke into it, trying to call the security chief. "This is Warden Olban with a priority alert. Answer me. Over."

He got no response. Not even static answered him this time. Olban tried again. Same result. He dropped the walkie talkie and tried his cell phone. No service.

"What the hell is this?" Olban growled, staring at the cell phone in disbelief. The island was set up with its own private cell network. For it to be knocked out of comission, the power station would have had to have been knocked out, either by being destroyed or...

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