Nine | N.I.C.U

959 31 2

| Maya |
Xaria weighs two pounds, her lungs are a little weak. She is breathing on her own and she so tiny.

I head to the NICU and see my baby hooked up to many machines. She looked almost lifeless, I couldn't touch her.

I just wanted to pick her up.

3 Days Later..
I was sent home, when Hope sees me she runs and me.

"Where's Xaria?" She asks

"She's being taken care of - in here."

"Awe, I can't wait to see her" Hope says

"I want you to see her too"

As soon as I get home, even though I am a little sore - I get in the kitchen and make dinner.

"Maya, what are you doing?"

"Making dinner.."

"I don't -"

"Don't fight me on this, I'm making dinner and that's final"

"Okay, sorry"

"I'm making chicken parm"

Lucas gasps "You know that's my favorite"

"I know" I smile and continue to focus on what I was doing

"Dinners ready" I yell, soon after footsteps were heard nearing the dining room.

Hope and Lucas enters the dining room happily, Hope realizes what was cooked and she gasps smiling

"Yay, mommy!" She hugs me before sitting down

I fix their plates and then mines and we sit down

"Mommy.. when can I see my sister?"

"As soon as she's big enough to leave the hospital.."

"She'll be as big as me?!"

I laugh slightly and correct her, "No honey"

Lucas smiles at her and looks at me

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