C H A P T E R 0 1

Start from the beginning

Soon enough the professor entered the class. I paid attention to what she was teaching and took notes.

I watched as she scolded a guy in the class. He talked rudely to her. I hated my classmates. They were all filthy rich unlike me. But that's not why I hated them. It was the way they talked to the others, the way they behaved that angered me. Most of the people didn't talk with me because my status was not as high as their and I was not rich. But it's not like I was poor and starving. Mrs. Odin paid me well. Some of the people were nice enough to be my friends but I could see that they behaved friendly with me because they pitied me. And I didn't want their sympathy, I wanted real friends. I wasn't good at reading people so I couldn't be sure. Maybe my inferiority complex was to be blamed.

The teacher resumed her teaching and after an hour, the class was over.

I made my way out of the class and that was when someone shoved me away from their path. The books in my hand fell down and I turned around to glare at the person who pushed me.

Ashley Johnson walked past me. She didn't notice my glare.

"Can't you walk properly?" I spit out. She turned around.

"You were in my way," She sneered at me. "And oh my God! Did you just touch me?!" She made a horrified face at me.

"I don't touch shitty things. I'm pretty sure you pushed me." I was not like them, but that didn't mean I'll keep my mouth shut when such things happened to me.

"What did you call me?" She took a step closer and grasped my arm. Her perfectly manicured nails dug into my skin.

"You are a piece of crap. Get your claws off of me." I said and wriggled my hand out of her tight grasp.

"Shut up, you...you bitch!" She released my hand and glared at me. "You deserve what you got."

"What do you mean?"

"I said you deserved what you got. Your parents are dead, you work at a café. I bet my purse costs more than your last paycheck. So keep a distance from me, you little bitch."

I didn't understand what her problem was. She never acted this way with others, even the people who were close to my level in terms of wealth. She was always sweet to everyone else but me. It was like she intentionally wanted to rile me up.

That was enough to crush my self control. My hands balled up into a fist and before I knew, my hand was deposited on her artificially pink and soft cheek. She stumbled back and her minions caught her.

"Don't you dare say anything about my life. You are no one to comment on it." I snapped at her as I saw her struggle to get up without flashing anything. I dashed out of the class without waiting for her reply.

I didn't care what anyone said about me. But things like that hurt. I lost my parents when I was thirteen and then I was adopted by my uncle and aunt. They were really sweet to me and raised me well. But I knew that I was a burden to them. They were poor but they never made me feel like I was short of anything. So once I turned eighteen, I rented a small room for myself a bit far away from them and got a job as a waitress at a café. That was where I met Olivia and Mrs. Odin. That was almost an year and ten months ago when I was a freshman in college and had just recently turned eighteen. My uncle and aunt moved back to countryside house.

And how could Ashley talk to me like that? What did I ever do to her? She didn't know how it felt to be without one's parents and I hoped she wouldn't have to experience that. It was the most painful thing for me, losing my parents. But I wouldn't let her get to me. I was strong, I knew I was.

Once I was done with the classes, I reached the café at around 4:16 in the afternoon. I saw Olivia behind the counter, taking a customer's order. I opened the door of the cafe, hearing the bell chime above it and walked towards her.

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