Eclair's Apology Part 27

Start from the beginning

<She then stood up and headed down the hall. All of them looked at each other in utter shock.

For the rest of the day, they didn't even catch a glimpse of her, she had shut herself in her room.>

---10 hours later---

Elaine: OH MY GOSH!

The others: what!?!?!?!?

Elaine: I haven't checked my new weapons yet!

Sky: and?

Elaine: it's starting to throb.....could you?

Miketsukkami: me?

Elaine: duh! You're the only idiot I'm staring at now! GO!

Miketsukkami: I'M NOT AN IDIOT! But fine!

<He ran till he got to her door, he then knocked and was met with silence.>

Miketsukkami: Elaine said you hadn't checked her new weapons, so she asked me to-

<Éclair opened the door.>

Éclair: let's go.

<Miketsukkami smiled and they rushed to where Elaine was, although Éclair didn't seem too thrilled about being outside her room.

When they got there Elaine was trying to conjure them.>

Éclair: you can't conjure them if you have no knowledge of what their names are.

Lisa: gee, thanks for the insight creep.

<Éclair frowned a great deal, but then started to laugh like a mad woman.>

Éclair: don't even talk to me.


Éclair: oh really?? What if someone was to be informed of 'someone's existence'?

Lisa: h-how did you-

Éclair: you're bad at lying.

Lisa: I-.........................

Éclair: well don't worry, I'm not telling anyone.

Lisa: thanks.

Éclair: no problem pudding cup.

Lisa: HEY!

<Everyone else was just confused, Éclair turned around to Elaine and she smiled.>

Éclair: now, for this babe's weapons. There are 2 of them. A staff and a sword. The staff is Epirus' Shatter. The sword is binding less.

Elaine: How is it binding less?? I haven't even used it yet!

Éclair: no, the name is binding less.

Elaine: oh.

Éclair: we'll start with the staff.

Elaine: Ya!

<She walked further from them, and held her hands close, then conjured it.>

Elaine: EPIRUS' SHATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Elaine: EPIRUS' SHATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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Ecryn: you and ensembles!

<Elaine stuck her tongue out while smiling.>

Éclair: try it out.

<She nodded, she wasn't really sure what to do, but she plucked something purple that looked like a feather, she looked around, and put it on a tree, the tree instantly began to move, it now stood by her side, and then she commanded it.>

Elaine: I COMMAND YOU! RIP OUT THAT TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Without any hesitation, the tree moved and ripped out the other tree. Elaine smiled in satisfaction. While the others stared at her tremendous power, she then plucked a gem out of the staff and then, threw it at the tree she was commanding, it blew up in an instant, and she smiled. Éclair gave a wry smile. Then went back to frowning.>

Éclair: outstanding, next?

Elaine: no problem!

< She walked further from them, and held her hands close, then conjured it.>

Elaine: BINDING LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elaine: BINDING LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elaine: sharp! Can I?

Éclair: sure

Elaine: YAY!

<Elaine now looked for another tree, she then thought of what she wanted to do with it, and before she could move, then sword did it by itself.

Everyone blinked, including Elaine.>

----4 minutes later----

Elaine: AWESOME!

Éclair: well, seems like you need to work more on improving that kind of power!

Elaine: TOTALLY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Éclair smiled, but then after a few seconds, she then held her head.>

Yuima, Yato: you okay?

Éclair: nya.

All of them except Éclair: Nya????????

Éclair: I need to go back. See ya.

All of them: see ya,

<Éclair then exited, four minutes later, she fell to the ground, and was struggling to get up.>

Éclair: damn....................not again...............................IT CAN'T HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!!

TO BE CONTINUED....................................

<What can't happen again!?!?!? And seriously, she's got really cool weapons!>

~What do you guys think?

~Vote, comment,share, and please answer my questions...

Sorry this note is short

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