Chap 2. Bloody Pranksters!

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"Okay, let me get this straight. Glucagon and insulin are called islets of Langerhans and they are produced in......what was that again?" Maafy asked the teacher.

I groaned. She has been asking thousands of questions since the beginning of the class.

"In the pituitary gland ,Miss shaikh!"the teacher was frustrated by now because of Maafy's dumb head. "Now sit down and no more questions" she added.

Maafroza rolled her eyes as she sat down next to me.

"Okay class. Tomorrow will be your first chemistry class which will also be taught by me." The teacher explained which caused few students to groan and some even threw crumbled paper balls at the teacher.

Seriously guys? I know the teacher is boring and lazy but it's your first day and she's your new teacher!

The bell rang after a few minutes and students rushed out of the classroom like birds freed from a cage.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and straightened my niqab while I waited for Maafy to pack up.

"Lets go" she said and we walked to the cafeteria since we both had lunch.

We chose a table far from the centre which means the hidden, empty one on the corner.

"Hey, look at that girl!" Maafy suddenly said.

I glanced in that direction to see a red headed girl walking in our direction. She was pretty, I could see as she came closer. She had big, round green eyes and full lips curved into a sad smile.

She came and stood near our table.
"May I?" She asked, pointing to a chair beside Maafy.

"Sure" I said and Maafy nodded in agreement.

She smiled at us politely and sat down. Once she did, I noticed she had some scars on her neck and her makeup was smudged, and there were dry tears on her cheeks. Maybe she has cried. But what about the scars.

Maafy noticed the same thing and looked over at her.

"Hello, I'm Maafroza and this is my cousin and best friend, Qibriyah"

"You two have pretty names" she complimented.

"Thank you." I said "And you are...?"

Okay, now sound like olaf ! 

"Oh! I'm  sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Caroline" she said.

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked while noticing the scar on her neck which looked like someone had tied her neck with a rope. It was now a greenish bruise and it did look out in her fair skin.

I also noticed she was wearing denim jeans and a purple stripped shirt that fully covered her neck. But it did not help in covering the scar and Im pretty sure she wore it just to cover the scar.

I wonder who might've done that to her.

If you dont mind can you can tell me what happened to you? You know.... The scar?" Maafy asked her out of no where.

I elbowed Maafy on the arm as she looked uncomfortable in answering that question.

"Im sorry she's just-"I began.

"No! Its okay. I was...I had tried to kill myself."

To say we weren't shocked would be an understatement. I mean, she is so pretty and lookes quite rich enough and well she probably has a family and many friends.

Stop blaberring to yourself and listen to her!

"But Why?"

"I was bullied. Since the first day of my highschool just because I was a nerd, a loner and short. I had just my mum to look after me. She is a doctor and is hardly ever at home. After highschool, my bullies texted me , blackmailed me and even tried to kill me. I was so frustrated and angry at myself that I decided to do it myself. I would have died if it was not for my mom to come home that night. Now I'm really ashamed of it and always try to hide it, but I dont have any clothes that could hide the marks." She said as she held herself from crying right now.

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