{01}The Beast Is Me

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Peace. That is what currently holds my family's home. While I am sure that this peace will not last very long, I am grateful for the silence. I need to pull my thoughts, feelings and instincts together.

The dragon instincts, they have become so much stronger. So much harder to contain, keep hidden.

Recently added to my pile of worries is the realization that I didn’t make sure nobody was around before slipping into the alley where the Kraang were last night. I did glance behind me, yes, but I had forgotten to check anywhere else. The worry that someone may have seen me is constantly lingering in the back of my thoughts, however all I can do now is wait and hope that I have remained hidden from anything and everything.


I sigh as Raphael’s yell breaks the peaceful silence in the lair. The shout is followed by thumping footsteps, a few yelps among other sounds. The soft, familiar hum of Donnie muttering things to himself can once again be heard through the wall. My heightened senses allow me to realise that his mutterings are urgent, and I can make out April’s soft voice as well. At times, I thank my dragon side for my heightened senses, but at others, I wish that I could make them all temporarily disappear.

My bed creaks slightly as I stand with another sigh passing my lips. Maybe I’ll just go to the dojo and meditate, I suggest to myself. Meditating usually helps with the dragon instincts.

Deciding that it’s a good idea, I head for the door, turning the handle slowly. I step through the doorway, leaving the comfort of my room.

Spotting a good route, I dart into the shadows. I don’t care that it’s a rather long route, I don’t want anyone to see me, especially with these dragon instincts stronger than they were before.

A sudden rush of coldness invades the lair, making me shake my head sharply to rid myself of the odd feeling in a few areas of my face and neck. Looking over to the couch, I can see Raph sitting reading a random comic that someone had left lying around. Michelangelo is watching TV, however it appears that his mind is only half focused on the show displayed on the screen. Their little argument and fight must have ended rather quickly. I don’t observe them any longer, deciding gathering any more details isn’t worth the trouble.

I’m about to pass the door to the lab when the door starts to slide open. Stepping back, I stand still, willing Donnie, or April, to not notice me. Donatello runs out, April right behind the intelligent turtle. In one hand, Donatello is holding his T-phone, in the other, a small notebook. April has her laptop clutched in her hands.

“Guys!” April exclaims. “You need to hear this,” she continues, sitting a small distance away from Raphael. Once she has sat down, she opens the lid of her laptop. Donnie sits down beside her. With a press on one of his T-phone’s buttons, the screen is instantly back to life. He opens his notebook, turning the pages until he reaches a particular page.

Michelangelo sits down next to Raphael, peering at the two screens and the paper in Donatello’s notebook.

I sigh yet again. Get yourself together, Leonardo! I order himself mentally. Quickly, I head over, seating myself next to Donatello. “What is it?” I ask them.

“April saw something odd last night,” Donatello answers. I instantly feel weighed down with dread. Please, no, I think.

“Well then,” I force myself to say. “April, what did you see?” I ask her.

April starts with, “This will sound crazy, but it’s real,” she begins. My feelings of dread start to worsen. I want her to say something else, like a giant mutant shadow-if that’s even possible-but I have a feeling I know what it is.

“Last night, I could see a dragon,” she announces.

Michelangelo and Raphael gasp, however I just widen my eyes. She has seen me. She has seen me.

“What did it look like?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

“It was pretty big,” she replies. “If it was standing upright, minus the tail, it would probably be a little taller than Master Splinter. It was slender, but I could see it had muscles… it had blue eyes, like yours, Leo. It had black and dark blue scales, and gosh, it may only have a few fangs, but they are sharp!” She digs out her phone from her pocket and turns it on, pressing a few buttons. “Here’s a picture I took of it.”

I feel like I can’t breathe under the pressure of the dread for a second. I’m such an idiot. I let down my guard and let someone see me.

“So,” Michelangelo beings to recap. “There’s a new creature in the city. A dragon.”

Donatello nods. “Yes.”

“What should we do, Donnie?” Raphael asked.

“Well, according to my notes and tests that I made when April showed me where she’s last seen it,” Donnie begins. “I think the Kraang made this… we need to bring it down and find out what its purpose is,” he continues. “No matter what, we capture the dragon.” Turning to me, he asked, “Leo? What’s the plan?”

I think quickly. “We track the beast down. Put it to sleep and get it back here… Donnie, do whatever you need to to… and… I’ll come up with the rest when I see what’s actually going on,” I finish. Panic is quickly seeping into both mind and voice.

Mikey stands up and whoops. “Sweet! Let’s get this beast! Oooh! Let’s name it-

Before he can finish, I stand up too. “Get some rest, guys. Raph, can you call Casey?” I ask. When Raph nods, I finish with, “We’re going to get as much information about the dragon as we can.”

We all head in our seperate ways. I head straight for my room, sinking down onto my bed, burying my face into my hands. “Never did I ever,” I whisper sadly, “Think I’d ever be in danger from my own family and friends.”

Look for the Dragon (A TMNT fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang