The Goth Club: Jaces' Past and a Newfound Purpose

Start from the beginning

            Lyra glanced at the clock as Mr. Grife yelled at her. Once again, she hadn’t done her homework. They were only three months into the school year, but somehow half of Lyras’ teachers already hated her.

            She blew a lock of her curly brown hair out of her face.

            “Lyra Piaxz, are you listening to me? You are disgracing yourself, and how do you expect to get into a good college if you don’t do the work? The WORK, Ms. Piaxz! This is Geometry Honors, and we expect higher-level work ethics if you want to continue in a higher-level class—”

            Lyra tuned him out. There were five minutes left in class and she was itching to meet with the club.

            “—just being lazy, I suspect, like so many kids these days—”

            Lyra hadn’t dared invite Jace back, so Jeff was going to be the only boy. They needed more boys…

            “—when you’re struggling with studying for finals, you won’t get help from me—”

            Well, really, they needed more members in general. Four just wasn’t enough, especially with what Lyra had planned.

            “—so much talent going to waste—”

            The bell interrupted the ‘academically encouraging’ rant Lyra had received various versions of during the day. Eagerly, she grabbed her stuff and shot out of the room like a bullet.

            “AND DON’T FORGET TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK!” Mr. Grife bellowed at Lyras’ retreating figure.

            Lyra slowly strolled into the classroom, although the rapid rise and fall of her chest belied how hard she had run to get here.

            “We’re just waiting on Jeff,” Teresa stated as Lyra put down her backpack. “Bet he won’t show.”

            Jae waved Lyra over, her grin the complete opposite of Teresa’s’ I-hate-the-world glare. “I brought snacks!” She gestured to the bottled water and packets of mini cookies on the desk beside her.

            “Great, great, when Jeff comes I have something to tell you guys!”

            Just then, Jeff walked in. He faltered a bit when he saw Teresa glaring(and commenting under her breath about being late slowing down the world), Jae grinning like a madwoman(as soon as she saw Jeff she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the snacks), and Lyra fidgeting excitedly, eyes shining with some plan. In no time he found himself plunked between Lyra and Jae with a pack of cookies in his hand.

            Jeff shook his head, trying to catch up, as Teresa turned to Lyra.

            “So what’s the big scoop? Will it be something we can actually do instead of just sitting here wasting our lives?”

            “Jae,” Lyra said instead of answering immediately, “what did Ms. Jemput tell us today at the end of English?”

            “They’re looking for someone to put together the school play. Writer and director and stuff. It’s supposed to be completely student organized.” Jae replied thoughtfully as she munched on a mini Oreo.

            “Right! Now, I thought WE could run the play! Look, I’ve brought you guys’ copies of the play I was already writing.” Lyra handed out a thick sheaf of typed papers to everyone. “It’s gothic, and Victorian, and I really think we could do this, and kinda change the schools opinions, that dark and gloomy can be good sometimes.” The club looked at her with blank expressions, so she rambled on. “It’s not finished yet, of course, but it will be soon, and it’s a classic love story, kind of similar to Romeo and Juliet but in Victorian London and with a bit more going on…you know, subplots? So I could be the writer. And Jae, you’d be in charge of wardrobe, of course, and maybe scenery too if you want. Jeff, you read a lot, so you could be my editor, and Teresa, you only stand for the best of the best so you could be the director!” Lyra bit her lip to keep herself from babbling more. Why were they all looking at her like she had a second head? Damn, it was a stupid idea; she shouldn’t have suggested it in the first place—

            “Yeah, sure, why not?” Jeff shrugged, breaking the awkward silence.

            “That sounds like so. Much. Fun.” Jae breathed with wide eyes.

            The three turned their heads toward Teresa. She scowled back at them.

            “I’ll do it, but I have to be in charge of casting, too. I’m not letting any talentless bitches star in my play.”

            The four of them left the school together, chattering about ideas. Inwardly, Lyra smiled. They would get approved for the play; she could feel it. The Goth Club would rise up and take center stage at Greystone Township High School.


Long chapter! I bet you guys forgot about the play Lyra was writing in the beginning. Now the story should start to get more exciting, since they have something to do and all. Anyway, I'd love to get your opinions on how I'm doing so far!


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