How you meet(1)

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A/N: I'm back and i just want to tell you that even though I've left for a long time without updating, but you guys is still supporting this book, it makes me really happy knowing that you guys were always waiting for me ^^ the reason i left was i have some family problems but i am back and i just want to say thank you for waiting. I will keep updating this book the best i can. And i love you ^^


The first time you met the human Genji is when you're practing some moves for your next martial art lesson in the forest. You then notice someone is watching you.

'That's strange, only i know this place'.

You thought. But shrug it off to focus on training because you have an exam tomorrow. The lesson you've just learned is really hard because you have to use your legs a lot and if you fail, you fall.

Just like i said you fall.

But someone caught you, prevent you from falling, you look up to him and blush. He was handsome, sharp eyebrows, green hair, and his eyes were hypnotic.

He smiles upon seeing your blush, chuckling inside his head.

You get back to your sense and get out of his arms, making him feel a bit disappointed because he wants to look you closer in the face.


Science, it's okay but not always. And right now? You don't even want to talk about it.

"How many time i have to tell you Student (Y/N), no talking in class!".

The science teacher smashes her fist on the table, you're used to it, and that means you've been through this many times.

"They borrowed my pen!".

Truth, yes you know she wouldn't listen because in the inside, she hates you, and all you said to her is going to be shit. But you tried this time.

"No lying". She glares at you with deadly eyes. You don't want to make eye contact with those so you just look away.
"Don't you dare look away young lady! Listen to me!".

"I am!".

Then both of you went silent, you looking out the window wondering why did you choose this school, while the teacher sighing.

"You know (Y/N), i really want to kick you out of my school". She mumbling small enough for you to hear it.

"Then do it".


"Jack when can I join?".

You beg him, he's slightly annoyed but not because you've begged him for 2 hours. It's because you're very lazy, if he let you join, you probably skip practices.

"No, so give up". He replies coldly but you don't care, you want to join.

"Please, please". You beg more and more making Jack sighs while putting his hand on his forehead.

"Hey Jack". Someone walks in, you both turn to the voice and you realise it was Reinhardt, one of Jack's friend and your favourite hero.

"Hey". Jack replies.

"Who's this cute lady?".

"No one". You punch Jack in the back and turn to Reinhardt.

"Um, I'm  (Y/N)".

"Nice to meet ya". He replies with a big smile.

"You don't need to be nice with her, she's not going to join Overwatch after all". Hearing that make you feel a little disappoint because you have shown him a lot of your skill and yet he's not even surprise a bit.

"What? She's going to join?". Reinhardt turns to you. "I'll be your guildance!". Your eyes then sparks.

"Really?!". Jack turns to his friend, growling like an old man.

"Why not?! She'll be a great hero!".

"Thank you!". She smiles, bowing your head up and down multiple times.

"Let's get start tomorrow!".

To be continued.

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