Pick up Lines

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A/N: I love pick up lines, so I want to make this one, hope you enjoy.


"Your lips look lovely, would they like to meet mine?".

Genji kisses you softly making you giggle.


"I may not go down for history but I'll go down on you".

He picks you up bridal style and kiss you.


"Come live in my heart and pay no rent".

Hanzo hand you a flower and kiss you while you wrap your arms around his neck.


"Is that a phone on your back pocket? Because I hear that ass calling for me".

He puts his hat on your head, you look adorable with it, he lean down and kiss you.


"Are you a camera? Because everytime I see you, I smile".

You kiss him on the cheek making him flushes like crazy.

Soldier 76

"I'm not a photographer but I can picture us together".

He removes his mask and kiss you roughly but you like it that way.


"I might call you Google because you have everything that I'm looking for".

You smile at Winston's cuteness and peek on his lips.

"I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you? ".

You nod, and he just bury his head into your chest, while you pat his head.


"Girl, you give me a tromboner".

Lucio kiss you on the forehead, you giggle and hug him.


*beep beep*
"Mind if I comb over? ".

The robot makes you laugh and he sure love to make you smiel.


"I would say God bless you, but it looks like he already did".

Zenyatta then grab your hand, kissing it making you giggle.

A/N: Okay guys, I think there's still more characters that I miss but I will add them on later, I promise.
Thanks for reading and remember I love all my readers. 

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