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He's a history teacher, who always let his classes do a unexpected exams, but he goes easy on you when it come to homework. You love to spend time with him but not really enjoy it when studying with him.


A P.E teacher is what he wanted to do, he would make you run around the school because he enjoys it. But sometime he will buy you some lunch and talk to you at lunch time, that makes you happy and not lonely. You love spending times with him because in P.E there's no exam.


He's is a music teacher. You love it when he plays the piano, it feels so calm and you get to sit next to him when he plays. You would rest your head on his shoulder and listen. But he sometime argue with you about your laziness.
But he's a great teacher.


He's a teacher that have a special job in the school, helping student how to shoot arrow. Well, to train their eyes of course, he's pretty good with guns but he can't just give a student some big old guns. But you, he let you study it since you're good at aiming your target. You love hanging out with him and he like it too.


Can't forget Reaper, he's an important part of the school, the principles. He controls the school activities and sometimes he let you get away with detentions, you always love to hang out in his office and he just let you. Outside, cold as ice, inside warm as hell.

Soldier 76

Jack is a gentleman, the guard of the school, everyone wants to get in the school at night have to pass him and it's hard for him to let anyone inside.
But you, when you left something at school, at night you will come to school and he will open the gate for you without you telling him a reason.


He's a huge nerd, a science teacher, being his student pet is not really easy because you need to be good at science. But it not really hard to you, he's calm and sometimes you will stay at school late, helping him with some projects and you enjoy it.


Well, does he looks like a teacher, well why asking me?
Junkrat never really known much things so Reaper gives him a job, the bus driver. He always drive you to school when ever you need it and even the other places. You like to sit next to him in the bus.


What even a school if there isn't any party? Lucio is the master of music when talking about party. You would join every single party that he made and it was always fun. Hanzo doesn't really like him though.

A/N: hope you guys enjoy this one. Thank you Nekocat55 for giving me some ideas.

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