Chapter 10

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I was literally crying last chapter! That kiss scene I was CRYING and laughing cuz it was so damn sweet and funny! Don't mind me while I go die in a hole.


Chapter 10

Normal POV

We stood by the river under the stars...

He stared to the ceiling, lying in his dark room on his bed, he thought of his actions yesterday. He brought his fingers up to his lips, the feeling of his freezing cold hands making him shiver. He couldn't understand his actions yesterday. What was he thinking? It was as if his actions and body had a mind of their own.

There was nothing he wanted more than to see Phil again but he had done enough damage. First, I yelled at him. Then, without thinking, I almost revealed my cuts and then I kiss him. What has gotten into me? Dan knew there was no point dwelling on actions he can't change. I just hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.

He wanted to be in a relationship with Phil, he wanted to hold hands and spend more time together. He wanted to do all the things that ordinary couples do without being judged. The fear that would haunt him every day, the fear of being found out.

It wasn't his mother that concerned him, it was his Father. There was no way his father would allow a relationship with anyone other than a woman. There was nothing he could do, it was just too risky. But Dan wouldn't let himself be taken away from Phil.

Suddenly, a bright light lit up the room like a thousand stars. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it.

Text from Maria:

From Maria: Hey Danny boi! How's it goin?

From Dan: Don't call me that. Just fine. Wbu?

From Maria: Lighten up Danny! I'm only joking. I'm as awesome as can be. Tell me, how's that little Philly going?

From Dan: I swear one more time and i'll break your hand so you can't text.

From Maria: Aww, that's harsh. You didn't answer my question :/

From Dan: He's fine... Dads not to happy though.

From Maria: I figured that. What's he done this time?

From Dan: Trust me, you don't wanna know. I have to go bye Mari

From Maria: I'll be talking with you soon. Bye Dan.

Dan sighed as he placed his phone back and slowly closed his eyes. Soon, he fell into a deep sleep.

Heart racing. Head pounding. I'm still alive. I have made it this far. Darkness surrounded Dan, nothing else in sight but plain and pure darkness. "You have made it this far Dan and i have to say i'm surprised," a cold voice echoed through the darkness.

Dan looked around frantically, but saw nothing. "Come on you little shit! Show yourself!" Dan yelled out through gritted teeth, he was sick of hiding from this voice. He wanted to see it, but how do you see something that's in your head?

"Oh dear Daniel. You have quite a temper. That reminds me of your father. Tell me, how is he?" It laughed harshly. "I'm not here to talk about that no good of a father," red smoke started to appear out of thin air. Walking through the smoke was a demonic like creature. Pure black skin with red veins running throughout its body. Tattered black wings sprouting from its middle back, claws instead of nails grew from its fingers.

It opened its eyes and bright red glowing orbs shone like fire. Dan stared in fear as the demon stood before him. "Hello Daniel. I'm so glad to finally see you." The same voice that he had been cursed with was right before him, there was no doubt about it. That cold, harsh, hatred filled tone, that was his voice.

"Y- You are what has been tormenting me?" Dan asked the obvious. "You sound as though you are surprised. Your hatred towards yourself has given me strength," the demon walked towards Dan, grabbed the fine material of Dan's shirt and lifted it up so that his bare stomach was exposed.

Dan prepared himself for the hideous bruises that covered his stomach, he looked down and to his surprise; they were gone. Nothing but scars and day old cuts remained. "How does it feel?" the demon asked as he looked at Dan's face. Dan's face twisted with confusion.

"How does what feel?" he asked, the demon sighed and looked back down to Dan's stomach. "I mean how does the cold sharp edge of the metal feel against your soft fragile skin?" How does it feel? Dan thought about this question.

"Nothing, it feels like nothing to me. I feel nothing on this earth, that's why I self-harm. When I self-harm I feel something at least. I'll never be the same ever again. There's no way I can go back to how i used to feel."

"At first, you resisted me. Now you gladly accept me into your life and very mind. What happened to make you change so drastically?" the demon had dropped Dan's shirt and moved a few feet away from him. Dan looked down to his feet, his brown fringe falling in front of his face.

"I knew you wouldn't leave and you wouldn't give up either. Eventually i thought about everything you said and the more I thought, the more I realised you were telling the truth. My life is a shithole and everyone in it causes me nothing but grief." He spoke in a low tone.

The demon crossed his arms over his chest, "what about that Phil? Even he causes you grief?" Dan looked up, tears in his eyes. While he hated to admit it, there was no denying it. "I love Phil, but... when I see the progress he has made trying to get better for me, it reminds me of my failure to do the same for him. That in itself causes most of the grief."

"And what if he found out that you have been keeping such an important secret to yourself?" the demon asked, referring to the scars under Dan's shirt. There was no thinking about this, it was a straight up answer, "I'd die."

Suddenly, another figure appeared in the darkness. Dan strained his eyes to see but could make out her long, straight, blonde hair, perfect complexion and sky blue eyes. Maria. "Tell me about her Daniel" the demon looked towards the figure of Maria.

"Pretty, popular, rich, what more is there to a perfect girl like her?" Dan shrugged his shoulders and the demon smiled. "She's not perfect though, is she?" Dan felt a burning fire rise in his chest. "What is that supposed to mean?" he almost growled out the question like a mad dog.

"Never mind that, ah it seems that I have run out of time. Until we meet again, Daniel." The red smoke came again, the demon backed away until he was out of sight and the other figures in the darkness had disappeared with him. All that was left was Dan, all alone. Like always.


So that was the latest chapter. Again back in Dan's mind and seeing the damage being done... nothing else to say except that i worry myself sometimes. Never let me write without a friend.

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