Chapter 3

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So last chapter, not gonna lie it was pretty cool. Dan meeting Phil that was nice... I'm trying to act calm and collected but on the inside, I am just jumping and screaming in joy! Anyway I have nothing to say goodbye Philions and Danasours!


Chapter 3

He drew pictures that nobody saw...

Phil's POV

A few days later after Dan had saved me from the four strongest members of the Football team we had been hanging out and as I got to know him, he turned out to be pretty nice. I did hesitate a bit when he asked if I wanted to hang out because for so long I had learned to shut and keep people out of my life, even my family. Dan didn't know about anything from my past, and I would like to keep it that way.

What was wrong with keeping my secret from Dan? There is nothing wrong with not wanting to reveal something so fast, so why do I feel guilty about my decision? I had learned that by keeping to myself, I could hide and lock my secrets away easier.

But now that I met Dan I kind of wanted to tell him everything I felt comfortable sharing and I don't know why but I don't know much about human emotion or anything to do with friends.

I sat in the living room on the couch watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Suddenly out of no where my phone buzzed on the couch seat next to me, I grabbed the phone and looked at who it was. Dan. I smiled at the name and thought that Dan would acctully text me.

From Dan: Hey I know this is really sudden but are you okay after what happened? Have they done it again considering I wasn't there for like 4 days?

I quickly replied;

From Phil: No but where were you during those 4 days??

There was quite a long pause before I got an answer.

From Dan: Never mind that it would probably bore you anyway.

From Phil: Okay... hey, I don't think I ever thanked you for saving me the first time around.

From Dan: Nah no need to thank me J I would havd done it for anyone.

From Dan: Oh sorry I have to go. Talk to you later Phil!

From Phil: Yeah talk to you later Dan.

I was sad that the conversation ended so quickly, but I didn't dwell on it. There was a click then the front door swung open, Mum was finally home. She came in and looked towards me lovingly, after she had shut the door behind her she walked over to me and gave me an awkward hug as I was still sitting on the couch. The good thing about London, its cold half the time and snowing, so no one questioned people for wearing long sleeves half the time.

"So how was school?" mum asked, I didn't know how to act happy about this. "good," I said as happy as I could. I didn't talk much anymore, mostly because everything I said was unheard or forgotten. "That's great. So... how's Dan going?" she questioned in a slight teasing tone, I instantly became embarresed. A slight red blush crept ontp my face; I lowered my head so Mum wouldn't see. "Good, he's become a real friend to me. Actully, would it be okay if he came over?" mum gave me her biggest smile.

"Of course! I don't care what you do Phil; I just want you to be happy" I gave her a hug and ran up to my room and called Dan. I held my phone up to my ear and listened as the phone rang, then there was a voice on the other end;


"Hey Dan, I was... wondering if you... would like to hang out at my house tomorrow?" I asked shyly; he laughed through the phone.

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