Chapter 7

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My friend said to me that last chapters ending was a bit creepy and I totally agree but that how I wanted it. I tried to make Dan seem like he had completely lost himself in the voices but... yeah, creepy.


Chapter 7

He didn't tell a soul and his gallery grew...

Phil's POV

The last few days had been... well, weird. Dan sat with Casper, Joe and I but didn't really talk. He just sat there, a distant look in his eyes. I was really worried about him, although he didn't look as tired anymore. Which was a good sign... I think.

"Hey Dan, do you want to go shopping or something?" I asked we headed to our cars, school had finished about 10 minutes ago. He was still silent as usual, "Dan?" I repeated. "Ah, what?" he asked slightly out of it.

To think I even like him. He is rebellious in so many ways and barely listens yet, I find him charming. "Would you like to go shopping or something on the weekend?" I asked. He hasn't been himself so I thought I could get some answers out of him.

"Uh, yeah sure. I don't feel like shopping though, um... could I come to your house? I would let you come to mine but my Mum is in no shape to have visitors and Dad is out all weekend" does that mean he was telling the truth about his mother and her leg?

"Yeah sure, I don't think Mum will mind", we got to Dan's car. "Well, I should probably go but see you on the weekend Phil" he said before unlocking his car, opening the door and sliding in. "Yeah, see you Dan" I said as he shut his door and I walked off.

--time skip—

Weekend had arrived fast and right now, I'm running around making sure that everything was right for Dan's visit. I made sure that I put my blades somewhere else in a box that wouldn't draw attention; I had to make sure he didn't find out that I still cut.

I checked my phone, he should have been here by now. I was beginning to think that he backed out and didn't bother to tell me. No, despite what has happened in the last week, I know he's not like that.

The doorbell rang, I headed towards the door. I pulled it open and saw the same face staring at me. "Hey, Dan. Your 30 minutes late" I stated. He chuckled "hey Phil, keeping tabs on me now? Yeah, I'm sorry. I had to take Mum to the hospital, she's getting surgery on her leg. The bone isn't healing properly".

So he didn't lie. I invited him in and we headed up to my room. "That must suck. Mum had to leave unexpectedly. Something with her work" I stated as Dan picked up a photo frame of my Father that was placed on my bedside table.

"You know, I haven't met your Dad Phil" he said and my heart ached. I never did like talking about him much, only because it pained me to even mention the word 'dad'. "Around when I was eight, Dad was forced to go fight in a war. That photo was taken the day before he left, apparently, the boats that took them to the war. Never made it to shore" you could see Dan's face sink. "Phil... I'm sorry. Really. I know that I haven't been myself and been a bit of a jackass to you but I truly am sorry", he put the photo back on my bedside table.

He was so understanding; I began to remember why I liked him in the first place. "I know you are Dan. I don't care if you're the meanest person to me, the only thing that matters to me is you". A hint of a smile appeared on his face.

"Be honest with me, are you really ok?" I dared to ask, I just wanted answers to his strange behaviour. He stiffened, "of course. I just have a few family and friend issues right now. That's why I'm spacing out all the time".

I know that his mother has a broken leg which is an issue, but what about the friend issue? "That's understandable, but what friend issue?" I pried more and more, his eyes widened. "Don't worry about it Phil" he said, anger rising in his voice.

"No, Dan I'm sick of you keeping secrets. I told you everything there is to me. All I want is answers" I raised my voice at him. He looked at me, anger in his eyes. "Everyone has secrets Phil! Even me! The popular, hot and badass kid has problems! But you learn to hide everything because your judged about every little detail. I told you everything that I'm ready to share with you and I'm sorry but answers are far off!".

I couldn't process anything, only stare into his dark brown irises. We had both unintentionally leaned into each other, about a centimetre was left between our faces, we were about to close the gap when I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

We both quickly pulled away from each other and just sat awkwardly. A few moments later there was a knock. Mum came onto view, "hey boys, hope I didn't interrupt anything" she said winking at me.

"No, it's okay Mum" I said and Dan gave a little wave. She left and closed the door, "look, Dan. I'm sorry. I shouldn't force you to tell me anything". I looked down towards my bed and I felt Dan's gaze on me, watching me.

"I don't make promises much, only because I know that somewhere along the way I'll break it. I promise that I'll tell you everything in time. It's hard to explain and understand, I never meant to hurt you Phil" Dan said quietly and I looked up.

"I know. It's okay, I promise that when you're ready to tell me. I will be here to listen and support you". He gave me a half smile which was clearly faked and I gave him my best smile.

Normal POV

Dan had wished he had kept quiet about the friend problems. In any class that Phil and Dan weren't in together, Dan would be teased. Somehow the word that Dan was gay had gotten to this school and people weren't accepting here either.

He had some idea of who it was. Even at home, in his own bedroom, he never got a break. Gutless teens hiding behind a screen and fake name over the internet were tormenting him in every corner of the internet.

His Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and so on. With Phil, he felt accepted and wasn't afraid to show the side of him which many didn't see. Dan knew relief was real when he was cut, so that's what he did to get by.

Etching the same comments to him on his skin, to permanently remind him of his worthless existence. Words like gay, unwanted, worthless, emo scum, loner and many worse ones than that.

Every word was drawn on his stomach and even chest. These people, hide behind a screen, unable to see the damage that they were doing to him. Phil knew something was up, he just couldn't figure it out.

He knew that he had to find out soon, otherwise; he may just loose the Dan he fell in love with. Forever.


Sorry again about the ending. Once again didn't mean to go there, just followed where the book took me. It may be creepy but I don't care.


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