58-Lil mama

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Yo guys so Baby Kaden was born! Credits to people will be at end of book. Go follow my instagram account: x_super.wolf ❤️ But sadly MLR is slowly coming to an end! Whatttt!!? Sorry!


*3 week later*

Kaden's cries are heard on the baby monitor waking Landon and I up.

"What time is it?" I groan sitting up.

"6:30 in the morning." Landon yawns.

"I'll get Kaden right now and go feed him." I stretch, getting out of bed. I'm almost out the door when I hear Landon say, "Bring yourself and Kaden back in here when your done." I just keep walking to the nursery next door.

Kaden is crying in his crib and I can smell a poopy diaper from the doorway.

I quickly jog up to Kaden and pick him up. I kiss him on the forehead and whisper a 'Good morning, my love'.

I take him to the changing station and change his diaper and put him in a fresh new one. I then put him in his clothes and I hold him close to me. I go sit in the rocking chair and lift one side of my shirt up. Then I start nursing Kaden.

When he is done, I pull my shirt back down and Kaden is a happy boy. He stopped crying and I carry him back to our room. Landon is laying in bed, probably asleep. I walk over there and get back in bed. I put my cold feet on Landon and he is awake with a jump.

"Well good morning little man." Landon says kissing Kaden. Kaden's eyes open are he is looking at Landon. It looks like he is trying to smile but doesn't quite know how yet. Landon wants to hold Kaden so I hand him to Landon. Landon is kissing him and talking to him in a funny voice. This time has become my favorite in the morning. Landon loving our son. It amazes me at how before he was doubting his ability to be a good father, and now he is being the best father to our child. He loves Kaden so much.

"Can I go get in the shower?" I ask. Landon nods his head, looking up at me with a smile on his face. That smile melts my heart. I go to the bathroom and shut the door.

I strip my clothes off and look it the mirror, I have gotten really comfortable with my body through pregnancy. I've learned to accept that nobody has a perfect body. Landon also tells and shows me how beautiful my stretch marks and scars are. Everytime he sees me looking at the scars on my lower stomach where we lost Baby Alex, he says, "My baby girl, a strong woman who survived hell. The strongest Luna I know." Those words are enough to make me accept it. I love him for it. He makes me appreciate myself.

I smile at myself in the mirror and then get inside the shower.

*skipping shower*

Once I get out I wrap a towel around me and dry off. Then I towel dry my hair. After I did that I wrapped the towel back around my body and stepped back into our room. I then went to the closet to grab some clothes.

Okay, today is the day to go to the pack doctor and get Kaden's vaccinations. My poor baby. I should dress nice because we will be going to the pack house to check on Blair. So maybe a maxi dress and a sweater.

I grab my maternity bra because my boobs are still swollen with milk, and slip it on, along with tan underwear. Looking at my dresses I grab the white maxi dress and the black sweater. No one is going to see my shoes so I put on some blue flip flops.

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