57-Baby Name

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thank you for everyone who requested names because if they weren't used in any of the babies Landon and Olivia have they were used for the other characters kids or something! Don't worry! Also I'm not experienced in the childbirth area so sorry if it's wrong.


Landon is holding my hand with one hand and has the other on the wheel.

"Fuck!" I cry out. This shit hurts! Landon glances over at me and looks like he is in pain by seeing me in pain.

"Breathe baby girl. Breathe." He says in a soothing voice. His voice is calming and I breathe like how the pack moms said they did when they were in labor.

I'm doing the short breaths when Landon pulls up to the emergency entrance and he picks me up and sprints to where our doctor is. Apparently Landon mind linked the doctor that we were coming because the room was all ready. Nurses were in there and so was the doctor.

The doctor clears off the hospital bed so Landon can put me down.

"Alpha. We will step outside and I need you to get the Luna in the hospital gown. Reminder, you need to put one over your clothes." Doctor Charles says.

Landon nods his head and everyone leaves the room and they close the door.

My contractions stopped and I sigh out in relief. I feel a bead of sweat run down my forehead as Landon wipes it off.

He sits me up and takes off my night clothes and slips on the hospital gown. He slips off my underwear and puts them in the chair along with the rest of my clothes.

I lay back in the chair and Landon puts my hair up in ponytail so it's out of my face.

"I mind linked my family and Noah." He informs me. He grabs my hand and I turn my head towards him.

"Landon I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too Olivia." He says kissing me.

"Holy fuck!" I cry out. The contractions started again and I feel tears running down my face. The doctor and nurses come running in and gather around me and he sits in a chair in front of me. Once on the nurses prop my feet up on this stand thing and does the same with the other foot.

"Shit!" I yell putting my hands on my belly holding it.

*Landon's POV*

Olivia was screaming and yelling. Tears were streaming down her face as she yelled out strings if profanity.

"Come on, Luna. Let's start pushing." The doctor says. She looks at him and nods her head.

I wish she wasn't in this much pain. I grab her hand and let her squeeze it.

"Landon!" She cries squeezing my hand to the point where I think it's going to break.

"There is the head!" The doctor exclaims. Olivia's body relaxes and she is withering in the bed. I kiss her forehead trying to calm her down.

"Keep pushing Luna, there is the body!" The doctor says. Olivia then starts yelling incoherent words. She is pushing on the feet stands hard enough to the point where her toes are white.

She turns her head towards me and she opens her tightly shut eyes. Her eyes are Alpha/Luna red and she's growling.

"Keep her wolf at bay!" The doctor commands. I kiss Olivia on the lips and her eyes are back to her normal color.

"There is the legs! Almost done, one more big push!" He yells. Her claws are out and digging into my hand and she pushes once more and then the doctor is holding our baby. Our baby. Our baby boy. Cries are heard throughout the room. Olivia slumps back in her chair and her eyes are barely open. I softly kiss her and tell her,"You did a great job Olivia. I'm proud of you."

"Alpha would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asks. I nod my head and he has me cut it. They clean off the baby and wrap him in a blue blanket. They hand him to me and I hold him in my arms. His crying stops and I give him to Olivia to hold and she gladly accepts him.

"Hey there little guy." She says in a soft, quiet voice. His eyes open and they are beautiful blue.

"He has your eyes." I whisper looking at the smile on her face. He has dark hair like mine.

"He has your hair, Landon." She says smiling. I nod my head and the doctor taps on my shoulder.

"Have you guys picked out a name?" He asks holding our baby's birth certificate.

"We have." I say looking at Olivia, who was looking at our baby boy. She looks up at the doctor.

"Kaden Apollo Carpenter." She says looking down at him.

"Okay, well I am going to fill out the certificate and you can have visitors." He says walking out.

*Olivia's POV*

"Kaden Apollo Carpenter." I say to the doctor, then looking down at the baby. I didn't hear what the doctor said after that because I zoned out. I moved over so Landon could be in the spacious bed with me.

I look up to see Blair, Dalton, Denise, Knox, Phoenix, Bryce, Emma, and Noah come into the room. They all gather around us wanting to see the baby.

"What did you name him?" Phoenix asks in a quiet voice.

"Kaden Apollo Carpenter." I whisper, looking up at Landon with a smile. Victoria and Clint then come running into the room and they see us holding the baby.

"Kaden was a name we both chose. Apollo was the name of Olivia's father. We made a deal that the 1st babies middle name can be chosen by Olivia and the 2nd babies middle name can be chosen by me." He says laughing.

"So there will be another baby in the future." Victoria says hopefully. I nod my head and she starts clapping her hands.

"Hey, Olivia's exhausted, you guys can see her later." Landon says. Everyone leaves and I rest my head on Landon. I yawn and I fall asleep holding our baby.

Edited x1
References: none that I intended to have or know of.
W.C: 1052

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