20- Sorry Not Sorry

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Olivia's POV

I take my cover up off and head towards the top of the water fall. I look down and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I hold my breath and jump.

I almost belly flop, but Bryce breaks my fall. Sorry not sorry.

I swim back up to the surface laughing and Bryce is sitting there with a 'bitch please' look on his face then he starts laughing too. We all swim around for the whole day.

Everyone was getting out of the water when we heard growling. I snapped my head to the trees in front of us and they started rustling.

Landon puts me behind him and I grab Denise to move with me. Dalton stands next to Landon and so does Bryce.

A body emerges from the trees and a voice sounds out. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the Carpenter siblings, and the alpha daughter." His voice hisses. Landon growls at how he addresses me. I move so I can see what's going on.

"Get off our land rogue." Landon's voice warns. The rouge laughs and that makes Landon growl loudly. The rouge flinches slightly and notice it before he quickly masks it with the deadly calm face he was wearing before.

"Watch your back Carpenter and your mate's too." He laughs evilly and Dalton growls. Next thing you know Dalton shifts into his light brown wolf. He is shaking and sprinted towards the rogue the rogue laughed and ran but Dalton didn't get there in time. He was so mad that he didn't even see where the rogue went.

Landon grabbed Dalton by the scruff of his neck and commanded him to shift.

"I'm sorry Landon. I don't know what happened. It was like he was threatening my Luna and Bestfriend." Dalton sighs while running his hand through his hair. I put my hand on his back and hug him. Landon let's me hug him, but grabs me because he realized Dalton was naked. I throw him a towel and we as start walking back to the car. The car ride back was really silent.

Once we got to the pack house, we walk inside to see only 2 people.

"Mom. Dad." Landon says nodding to his parents and dragging me quickly up the stairs.

"Landon Knox Carpenter! Come back here right now!" The female commands. Landon grumbles and walks back to his mom with me, like a 5 year old who got in trouble.

"What Mom?" Landon grumbles.

"Who is this young lady and why did you not tell me my baby boy Bryce was here!" His mom says throwing her hands in the air.

"Victoria calm down." The man says with his eyes still on the newspaper.

"Mom and Dad, this is my mate. Olivia Carson." Landon says pulling me to his side.

"Oh my gosh dear! Come here let me get a look at you." Mrs. Carpenter claps grabbing my hands and examining me.

"Adorable Dimples, beautiful hair, cute nose, and amazing eyes." The lady says and she wraps me in a hug.

"You are going to be a wonderful Luna. Landon, when is she going to be announced Luna?!" The woman asks.

"Uh, I don't know mom. It's whenever she wants." Landon sighs scratching the back of his neck.

"Well tomorrow dear, you, me, and Denise will have breakfast!" The lady says clapping her hands.

"Okay Mrs. Carpenter." I say smiling. She laughs.

"Call me Victoria. Mrs. Carpenter makes me sound like I'm old, but I'm a cool mom." Victoria says smiling.

Victoria is a very pretty woman. She has Brown Hair, light eyes, plump lips, narrow nose, high cheek bones, and beautiful eyebrows.

"Clint, come here and meet Landon's mate!" Victoria says.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Clint laughs walking up to Victoria and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Nice to meet you Olivia." Mr. Carpenter says shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Carpenter." I smile.

"Clint. Call me Clint." He says smiling.

Clint has dark quiffed up hair, darker eyes, strong nose and sharp jawline, and has the 5'o clock shadow.

"Well it's time for us to go. Meet me down here at 10:00 Olivia." Victoria says waving.

"Okay." I say waving back.

I go and sit on the couch with Denise, while Dalton, Bryce, and Landon talk.

The next thing you know 5 kids crowd us.

"Can you play with us?" A little girl asks pulling on my cover up. I nod my head and sit down on the floor with my back resting on the couch.

A little girl with long brown hair sits in my lap she turns around and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Can you braid my hair?" She asks me. I nod my head and start braiding.


When is your guy's birthday?

[edited x1]

W.C: 840

References: Mean Girls. I do not own the movie nor the franchise. All rights and credits go to them.

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