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Landon lays me on the bed Ripping off my under wear and he took his clothes off . I knew it was gonna happen, I could see the lust in his beautiful eyes. It was the most beautiful thing.


I woke up the next morning to Landon. He has a peaceful look on his face, and a smile.

It makes me smile.

I lay there playing with his dark hair and outlining his jawline.

Oh, how much I love his jawline.

I start kissing Landon lightly on random parts of his face.


And then lips. The lips is what I actually got a reaction out of. He got up when I kissed his lips.

"Good morning my love." I say yawning and stretching.

When I stretched I accidentally hit him in the face. He groans but then he hears my laughing. Landon then starts laughing with me.

I get up and I forget I'm naked. I don't know why but I'm suddenly shy.

I lay my hands over my chest and use my other hand to cover 'downtown'.
Landon growls at my actions and is up in a flash.

He has me up against the walls and has my arms above my head.

"You are beautiful. Don't you dare hide your beautiful body away from me. This body," Landon says looking down at me, "is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I love it. It's absolutely perfect."

He then starts leaving hickeys all over my neck.

"Hey Lan- OH MY FREAKING GOD. PORN! PORN!" Beta River yells while running out of the room slapping his hands over his eyes. On his way out he runs into the wall and is knocked out.

I start laughing and make Landon put me down. I run to the closet, slip undergarments on and then throw a plain Mint Green sundress.

I run over to River and slip a bathroom towel under his head and start cleaning up his bloody nose. Landon is just standing in the door frame looking at me with his arms over his chest.

"Landon can we take him to the pack doctor? I feel bad for him." I say still looking at River.

Landon growls and I give him my best puppy dog face.

"Fine." He groans picking River up and taking him to the pack Doctor.

Once we get there and drop him off we go back to the kitchen to see Blair eating strawberries, while scrolling through her phone.

"Hey Blair." I say sitting next to her.

"Hey girl." She says wiggling her eyebrows at me and Landon.

Landon just looks at me and her weirdly, then slowly walks away.

"Okay now that he's gone, How was it?!" She asks all perky.

I then start telling her about it when suddenly you hear a crash coming from one of the bedrooms. Oh no. Not again.

I quickly run up to Landon and I's hallway that leads to our room, passing by Denise, Dalton, and Bryce on the way. Blair stays close behind me and so does the other Carpenters, as I quickly run up to my room. Once I got there I see Landon heaving and things being thrown around the room but the bed perfectly fine. His wolf is out. The red Alpha eyes are present, his claws are out and he has his canines bared at everything he throws.

"Landon!" I yell, running to him.

I wrap my self around Landon and he is completely stiff until he slowly starts relaxing. His canines are still out but his claws and eyes are back to normal.

He then pulls me onto his lap and starts inhaling my scent. I look back up to see that the crowd has dispersed, to give Landon and I some privacy.

"Bear? What's wrong?" I ask running my hands through his hair. He pulls me closer and grabs something from a black box with a red bow on top. It looks like a box of pictures.

"Landon let me turn so I can look at them." I say gently not wanting him to have another tantrum. I think it was a tantrum. Maybe it was a mental breakdown? I don't know exactly what that was.

When I look at the first photo my heart is in my throat.

It's a picture of me and Landon sleeping.

Go check out my IG: x_super.wolf

Edited x1

References: none that I can think of or that I am aware of.

W.C: 761

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