48-Baby Alex

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Hey guys so I possibly have decided on the baby names. I don't know though. Y'all won't know the names I chose until a baby is born in the book. Who knows. I may even use some names for other character babies. I'm not sure. So keep sending them in because I think I'm gonna do like a majority rule on some of the names for middle names that you guys chose😊


Olivia's POV

I woke up to Landon's arms around me and him snoring softly. I smile and put a hand on my stomach.

I was smiling until memories of yesterday flood my memory. You lost the baby. Your not pregnant anymore. I felt like crying but I didn't want to wake Landon up. Apparently he only got 5 minutes of sleep yesterday. When I woke up he just fell asleep. I didn't want him to be tired.

I sniffled back my tears and quickly moved my hand from my stomach. I felt like if I kept it there any longer I would have a huge breakdown. I miss my baby. Even though I was only a few days along, it was still my baby. I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

I slipped away from Landon and put a pillow in my spot. He gripped the pillow tightly and I quietly crept to the bathroom.

I didn't my business then washed my hands.

I was washing my hands when a tear fell off my face and onto my hands. I wiped my tear and just tried to keep my breathing steady.

I then took off my shirt and looked at my stomach, there was thin white scars shaped like claw marks going across my stomach and lower where my baby was. That's all it took for me to break down.

I slide down the wall and latch my hands over my mouth, trying to muffle my sobs. Hot tears are streaming down my face falling onto my chest and streaming down to my shorts.

My cheeks feel hot. The next thing I know someone is pounding their fist on the door.

"Olivia! Open the door!" Landon yells with a pleading tone. I didn't even realize I locked the door.

I was about to get up to unlock the door, but Landon kicks the door down. I look up at him with tears still streaming down my face.

"Oh babygirl." Landon says putting me on his lap and leans against the wall. Landon let's me cry it out whispering sweet nothings in my ear while rubbing his hand in circles around my back.

Once I calmed down Landon leans me back so I can look at him.

"What's wrong, mio amore?" Landon asks kissing my tear stained cheeks.

"I miss the baby, the scars make me look pathetic." I whimper out looking everywhere but at Landon's eyes.

"Look at me, Olivia." Landon says making me look at him in the eyes.

"I know you miss the baby. I miss it too. But it's okay because we are going to make another one tonight. His death, no matter how old he was, will not go unnoticed. Next, listen really good Olivia, your scars don't make you pathetic. Your scars define you as a strong woman who survived hell. If anything you are the strongest Luna I have ever met. You make everyone proud to know you. I love you and all the scars." Landon says with a serious face. Landon then lays me down on the bathroom floor. He starts kissing each scar. From the top of them to the bottom. A blush rises onto my cheeks.

"Landon not yet. Tonight." I manage to get out knowing that he could keep going. If we are making a baby I don't want to be on the bathroom floor. He sits back up and we both stand up.

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