56-Its coming

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Happy New Years and my the odds be ever in your favor😉✌🏼 also I'm pretty sure that the times are jacked up. Like I know I'm off on months but let's act like I'm not okay?? If you actually read this chapter, comment your favorite show and character from the show.


*5 month mark*

I woke up to the baby kicking my stomach. I open my eyes slowly and move my hand over my face.The sun is peaking through the curtains and is directly shining on my face.

"Well damn, blinding much?" I mutter sitting up and leaning on the headboard. Landon grunted and moved on his side. He wraps his arms around my lower half. He moved his hand on my lower thigh and back up. I move my hand over my mouth to stifle my giggle. He's looking for my baby belly.

Landon sits up with a jolt to find me laughing at him.

"I couldn't find the bump." He says.

"It's not even a bump anymore. This is a fucking boulder." I groan, hugging him the best I could. He chuckles at my attempts and kisses me.

I try to get out of bed but Landon makes me lay back down.

"Landon I want to get up. I'm tired of staying in bed." I whine. I can't stand staying in bed for another week. The doctor put me on limited movement until the baby comes because the baby is coming at anytime. Landon took this as bed arrest.

"I'm sorry baby girl, but the baby's due date is today! I'll stay here with you if it makes you feel better." He sighs, getting back in bed.

"Fine." I groan, crossing my arms over my chest. He lays down on his back and I sigh knowing that there is no point in arguing. I lay back down so my head is on his chest. He is twirling his fingers in my hair.

"Landon did we get everything done?" I ask. I'm really worried. What if we forgot something important?

"The nursery is stocked and done." He says.

"Do we have the clothes for him?" I ask.

"Yes." He sighs. He brings his hand down to rub soothing circles on my belly.

"Okay. I trust you on the nursery being done. Is everything ready for the hospital?" I ask, propping myself up on my elbow to look at him.

"I actually don't know." He says rubbing his scruff on his chin.

"Lets run through it, okay?" I say sitting up on the head board. He sits up with me and grabs my hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over my hand.

"Is my hospital bag of clothes packed?" I ask.

"No." He groans. He gets out of bed and goes in the closet. A suitcase is thrown out of the closet and skids into the middle of the room.

Landon then walks out and to the side of the bed where I am. He slips his hands under my knees and then one on my lower back. He picks me up and carries me to the big vanity chair in the closet, and sets me down.

He turns the chair so I'm faced towards clothes and he walks out of the closet and comes back in with the suitcase he threw out into our room.

"Okay, what clothes do you want to bring?" He asks clapping his hands together.

"Pack me some bra's and underwear." I say. He jogs to one of the rooms and I sit there thinking of things we may have missed. He comes back in with three bras hanging from his arm. On the other arm there is three pairs of underwear dangling on his fingers. He has a small smirk on his finger.

He puts the bra's in the bag and he puts the underwear in, one by one, showing me them. The first pair is the camouflage thong that Bryce saw on accident. I blush from the memory and Landon laughs at it. Then next pair is a blue lace thong. I roll my eyes as he drops it in the suitcase. The last pair is normal black underwear.

"What now?" He asks.

"Can I wear your shirts for the time I'm there?" I ask, smiling at him.

"Of course!" He smiles, crouching down to kiss me. After he kissed me he walked away to grab some of his t-shirts. He comes back and throws them into the suitcase. He then walks away and throws a sweatshirt in it.

"Leggings and shorts." He walks away and throws those in there. Landon then picks me back up and puts me in bed.

Landon then packs his stuff and puts the suitcase by the door. He then walks out of the door. I sit there waiting for him to come back. When he does it's with a tray of food.

"It's your pregnancy favorite. Mac and cheese with hot sauce on top." He says softly and gets back in bed with me. I start eating and he eats normal Mac and cheese with me. Once we finished he brought it all back down stairs and into the kitchen. Nows my chance to stretch my legs.

I swing my legs over to the side of the bed and let my feet touch the floor. I put my hand on my back and exhale a sharp breath as I stand up. I feel like I'm carrying a rock and someone is stepping on my back. I take some short steps to the window and look out the window. It's beautiful outside. The February snow is amazing in the moonlight.

I sigh in content and keep staring. I can't wait for the baby and Landon to play outside in this beautiful snow some day.

"Olivia? What are you doing?!" Landon panics. I didn't even have time to turn around. He was already at my side. He picks me up and carries me back to bed.

"Sorry, I wanted to look out the window." I say. He mutters an it's okay and he gets in bed with me. He's rubbing my back and kisses my forehead.

I drift of to the feeling of Landon kissing my lips and his scruff lightly scratching my skin.

*later in the night*

I woke up to pains in my stomach. Sharp pains. I sit up and I start panicking. The bed is wet. My water broke.

"Landon!" I yell shaking him. He wakes up with a jolt and looks at me panicked.

"It's time." I say. He nods his head and picks me up. He grabs the suitcase and basically runs down the stairs. He then starts the car and we speed off to the pack hospital.

Edited x1
References: none that I intended to have or know of.
W.C: 1141

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