"Yeah, but you left. You're the one who ripped my heart to shreds." Serena said flatly. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she was pissed.

"After I pushed you away and said those things to you, and you ran off crying, I realized that my heart and your heart are the same, so by shattering yours, I had shattered mine. But it was too late for me to tell you, you were gone." Serena's eyes immediately watered.

"I hate what you did to me, and what you're asking me to do now, but there's one thing I can't hate, and it's standing in front of me. I'd rather have a piece of your heart, than none at all."

"Serena, you have my entire heart, I just can't publicly give it to you yet. I have no feelings for Dawn other than platonic ones, seeing you again assured me of that."

"Uh huh." Serena muttered. She was still pissed, but she'd kill for Ash if he asked her to. That's really really unhealthy, but she couldn't help it. Serena was convinced that she and Ash were cut from the same star. Ash brushed her bangs off her face and pulled her chin up with one finger. He leaned closer, looking deep into her eyes.

"I love you and only you Serena Yvonne." With that he kissed her softly, pulling away after a few seconds. "And I promise that this is the first and last time that I will ever ask you to do something for me that will hurt you. After the Master Class, we'll be together, properly. I promise with all of my heart." And he sealed that promise with a kiss.

"I still don't like this." Serena muttered. "But I believe you." Ash smiled at her, and pulled her into a hug, burying his face in her honey blonde hair. She smelt like vanilla and strawberries, and it sent Ash's heart racing. Serena sighed and buried her face in his chest, allowing a single tear to escape.


"Hey, Dawn are you okay?" Gary walked over to the dark haired Coordinator who was sitting out in the garden stroking her Glaceon.

"I don't know." Dawn muttered. Gary sat down next to her and waited for her to speak. "I feel like I'm losing him." She said suddenly, her voice wobbling. Gary's mouth popped open. Dawn had started crying quietly, a wet track down her cheeks. Gary put a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, everything will be okay. I'm sure he's just preoccupied with the Kalos League okay? And he's worrying about how to get you to the Showcases you need to get to in order to get your Princess Keys. Don't worry about losing him Dawn, he really cares for you a lot."

"But he doesn't love me." Dawn muttered. Gary sighed.

"I can't answer that question, only he can. But give him a chance Dawn, he's gone through a lot. Everyone he's ever loved has been taken from him, and he's never met his father."

"But you're still here, and his mom is too."

"He lives in constant fear of something happening to his mom when he's not there to stop it. And as for me, he's always worrying that I'll disappear too, like Brock, Misty, May, Max, Iris, Cilan, Tracey, and, until very recently, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena."

"He never lost me." Dawn muttered.

"He did though. When you guys were traveling together? After the Sinnoh League, he left and didn't see you for ages. He's very cautious about what he says and how he acts around people because of that constant fear he has."

"You can read him like a book." Dawn muttered. Gary shrugged.

"We've known each other since we were in diapers. If I couldn't tell what he was thinking, what's the point of being his friend?"

"I guess." Dawn looked up and smiled, then pecked Gary on the cheek. "Thank you Gary." She stood up and walked back inside, ready to rejoin the others. Gary brought his hand to his cheek and let it rest there as he stared after her. He hated himself for lying like that. He knew exactly what was happening. Dawn was losing him. In fact, she never really had him.

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