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Nothing but eternal darkness.

That was all Annabeth could see. It was suffocating her, and she gladly fell into it's deadly embrace.

All around her was nothing, and that's all she knew. She even forgot her own name. She was darkness, and the cold, and death, and all things that were empty because that was all she knew.

"Fight," a small voice said from deep inside her. Suddenly, a figure shone brighter than light, shattering away the darkness around it. "Fight it."

Standing in front of her was a girl. A tall, muscular, blond-haired girl, who held a knife confidently in her hand. She had stormy gray eyes that looked at Annabeth skeptically. The girl stared at her fiercely, a fire burning inside of her. A fire that Annabeth knew that she did no possess.

"Fight it," the girl said, no more than sixteen years old. "Or will you just give up? Your fatal flaw is pride, Annabeth Chase. I don't think you'll give up after one memory."

Annabeth Chase.

That was her name. That was who she was. She wasn't darkness or death or the cold or empty. She was Annabeth Chase.

"They're waiting for you," the young girl said encouragingly. "Everyone. Percy may have been the spark to start everything, but a spark is useless without a fuse, and you're the fuse, Annabeth."

"Who are you?" Annabeth asked, surprised to find that she had regained use of her voice. Maybe it was because this was a dream. Maybe because the memory had shocked her into speaking. Either way, she could talk again, and she was glad.

The girl smiled sadly. "I'm you. I'm the you that everyone knows and remembers."

"I-I'm not you?"

She shook her head. "No, you're not. But, no one else is the same either. Everyone has been changed somehow, most for the worse. I'm the Annabeth Chase that was smart enough to hide her memories from Dolos, and, unfortunately, from herself."

"How do I get them back?" she whispered, asking the question out of curiosity more than desire.

"You have to want to. You have to come to terms with the fact that you're never going to be me again."

The words stung deep inside of Annabeth. Her half-formed hopes of regaining memories, thus becoming the confident, strong, stable girl before her, disappeared in a heartbeat.

"Why?" Annabeth whispered. "Why can't I be?"

She gives the other Annabeth a small smile. "That's not how the world works. After the war, no one's stayed the same. Everyone's just as shattered as you are. You just have to remember. Just know this: don't be afraid to fall."

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