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Somehow, trying not to remember was harder than not knowing anything at all for Annabeth. She spent the entirey of the next day waiting anxiously for Drew Tanaka to return and either tell her more or help her escape.

Shockingly, Dolos hadn't come down to interrogate her at all. She winced everytime the floorboards creaked, yet nobody came down into her cold cellar that she had called home for three years, at least according to Drew.

So Annabeth counted. She would count between the creaks, starting each time someone walked above her and stopping when the noise was audible once again.

"Thalia Grace," she whispered in the darkness once counting had proved pointless. The memory of the name, however, was not enough to provide her with solid memories. Annabeth could only remember a handful of things about the girl, including her eye color and weapon of choice, but neither satisfied her enough to stop thinking about the girl. 

Finally, the floorboard above her shifted. She almost smiled in relief, but thought better of it. Annabeth couldn't ever remember smiling. Drew nimbly climbed down the ladder with a plastic bag clenched between her teeth. She was wearing a different outfit today: tight black pants and a long, loose white shirt that made her black hair look darker.

"This should help," she announced with no preamble, handing the bag out to Annabeth. She accepted it warily and looked at the brown square that rested inside.

"What is it?" Annabeth asked, trying to determine if the mushed item was a type of food.

"It's ambrosia. Gods, it's like you're a new camper all over again, isn't it? It helps demigods to heal faster. You're supposed to eat it," Drew added when Annabeth didn't move.

She did as the other girl commanded and chewed up the brown square cautiously. It was tasteless and chewy, nothing like anything she remembered eating before.

"What did it taste like?" Drew asked lightly, discarding the bag by dropping it on the ground.

"Nothing. Why, was it supposed to?"

The Asian girl blinked twice, clearly surprised. "It's supposed to. Maybe it has something to do with you not remembering anything. I'll see if Chris knows anything."

"Who's Chris?" Annabeth asked.

"Chris Rodriguez. You'll be able to meet him shortly, I'm sure. He's been so worried about you, Annabeth. We all have, including Clarisse, even if she won't admit it. But she's too stubborn to admit anything; it took her years to admit how she felt about Chris."

All the names coming from Drew were just as unknown as the others she shared last night. Annabeth didn't know who any of these people were.

"Stop," she said, holding her hand out. "Please, stop."

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