Chapter 34{Edited}

Start from the beginning

“He’d have to be powerful to cancel out your marks wouldn’t he?” I asked shakily rising to my feet.

Saebriel looked at me his eyes darkening, “Extremely powerful.” He growled.

“He was the one I saw kill you…” His shoulders went back and his hands clenched into tight fists.


“I want you to go and relax in the tub, Sabrinna will sit in with you to make sure he doesn’t try anything. I don’t want you to know what my plan is.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me from the bedroom.

“Do you not trust me?”

He paused and dropped his head, “He can hear and see things through you Rin. I don’t trust him.”

“Oh…” I murmured looking at the floor.

Sabrinna was waiting by the bathroom door just like a hostess at a restaurant; I walked towards her glancing over at Saebriel. Something didn’t feel right, apart from my entire body, something about Saebriel didn’t seem right. Still I went into the bathroom, and while Sabrinna had her back turned I undressed and stepped into the tub.

I pulled the curtain shut so I would sit there huddling myself up in the corner, it took nearly all my will power not to claw at my throat. Sabrinna sat quietly on the other side, the only reason I knew she was there was I could see her shadow. The warm water felt good, and I was able to finally wash off the blood and tears from my face and neck.

Half an hour later of mind wandering somebody knocked at the door, “Sabrinna, Saebriel wants Aderyn out here now.” Bizzy spoke through the door.

I sat up a little taller and felt a tremor race through my body, “Aderyn, there’s a towel on the counter. My backs turned.” Sabrinna called.


I unplugged the tub allowing the now luke-warm water to drain away, I pulled the curtains back and grabbed the towel from the counter quickly wrapping myself in it. Sabrinna stood facing the door her arms crossed over her chest as she tapped her foot.


“Your clothes should be underneath the towel.” She sighed after a few moments of me standing awkwardly in a towel.

I turned and looked back from the counter then to a pile of neatly folded pajama’s set ontop of the closed lid of the toilet. I snatched them up and quickly slipped on my underwear, nearly fell into the wall as I hopped into my pajama pants and had to sit down on the floor as I pulled my shirt on. I could hear Sabrinna snickering to herself, at least somebody was enjoying this agony of my dizziness.

“Is everything alright in there?” Bizzy called through the door.

“Yeah, Aderyn’s just fighting with her pants. She’s fine now, we’re coming out.” She turned reaching her hand out to me.

I pouted at her but still reached out taking hold of her hand, she pulled me up and pulled the door open at the same time. I stepped out and was hit with a blast of cold that made me cringe and shiver, a large fleece blanket was placed overmy shoulders and I looked over at Mercury and Argon standing side by side smiling at me. This wasn’t good, I shuffled my way into the living room.

Herald stood against the wall opposite the large L couch tucked right up against the top open hallway wall, Simon sat cross legged on the floor infront of the TV his face was blank and expressionless. Swallowing the fear I stepped inside the room and felt the silence pop like a giant bubble had been settled around them. Sabe looked up at me quickly, he sat on the edge of the couch his head hung and his hands clasped together. I don’t think he had ever looked so human to me before.

“We can’t continue without you here. This involves your life, and as you reminded me back when I met your Aunt I’m deciding your future. Now it is not my future to decide.” He voice sounded hoarse and worn, I walked along the L couch and sat down next to him.

I wanted to reach out and take his hand but my body had frozen into place, frustrated tears burned in my eyes. This was stupid, I was all for having the bastard hunted down and killed. If I could I wanted to watch it happen just to enjoy the satisfaction of not ever seeing his face again. Saebriel as if he read my mind reached out to take my hand but stopped, slowly his fingers curled up into a fist and he pulled his hand back.

Saebriel… wouldn’t touch me.

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