Chapter 8 {Edited}

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I didn’t so much as wake up as my vision came back to me, my body still rang with fear as I pushed myself up from my splayed form on top of the bed. I had just fallen forward landing where ever. My heart quickened and I looked at the door, I couldn’t go back out there.

No, I wouldn’t go back out there. I wouldn’t let him touch me. I pushed off from the bed crawling across the floor to my closet and its sliding door. I slipped inside easily wedging my small frame between two boxes, one filled with clothes the other with old stuffed animals.

I heard my bedroom door open but no footsteps into the room; I could feel him in the room the air suddenly felt colder. It was suffocating and my breath stopped instantly in my throat. I had never felt so afraid in my life, I wanted to pull my phone out and text my Aunty:

            Saebriel Cashel, kill the bastard.

She would without a heartbeats hesitation, she would wipe him from the face of the earth for what he’s done. But he would know, and Sabrinna would die and I would suffer more than what had happened.

“Why are you hiding in the closet” He sighed through the doors, smart enough not to open them.

“Leave me alone” my voice was hoarse.

I sounded like death warmed over, If I looked at myself I would probably look just like that.

“Miss Taun I want to talk to you face to face-”

“No” I cut him off quickly shaking my head.

He made a soft sound like a growl, “Get out here now”

“No” I whispered my voice flat and lifeless.

The floor rumbled as his fist hit it, “I’m not arguing with you, you can’t stay in there forever”

“Then I’ll die” I murmured resting my chin on the tops of my knees.

“I’ll give you a night then you’ll come out, and we’ll finish this” He sighed.

I shut my eyes pulling back my consciousness until the only thing on my mind was counting my heart beats, It was all I could do to keep myself from crying. My body lost all sensation after a while of sitting on the ground, and if I really cared that much I would have gotten up and stretched. But I didn’t, it meant my stomach didn’t ache, my hands didn’t ring with pain, and my head no longer had to block it out.

Slowly what felt like hours later I looked up at the door and the slits in it allowing in light from the room. I could smell food, but the idea of eating made me feel sick. I looked around myself again, why hadn’t Saebriel just ripped me from the closet? He hadn’t had a problem breaking into my house what made my closet suddenly off limits?

“Where is she?” I felt myself frown why was Bizzy in my room now, and who was he talking to?

A silence answered him making me curious, “Why don’t you just apologize to her” He sighed heavily.

Oh, He’s talking to Saebriel. This meant he was in my room still. Waiting for me to leave the safety of my closet, ha! Well if he wouldn’t come in here then I would just stay in my safe spot until he left or I died. Either way I wouldn’t have to deal with him.

“Don’t give me that look what you did was unacceptable. It was cruel even for us”

“I don’t need you to scorn me Beelzebub, she will come out of her hiding spot and I will deal with her” Saebriel said in a flat tone.

I smirked to myself, he obviously had no idea how stubborn I was. Well buckle in Saebriel, it’s time you learned something.

“Well our coffins are here, where do we put them?” Bizzy growled.

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