Chapter 21 {Edited}

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Romantic comedies, they were the bane of my very existence. I hated them. I was probably the only girl on the planet who just despised romantic comedies. Kaden thought it would be a good idea to you know just ignore me, toss me in a car drive, me to a movie theatre, and force me to watch a movie.

I liked lying on my couch with Sabe and watching late night re-runs of Supernatural or X-men, something weird and wondrous like that. But watching these people on screen going through these stupid embarrassing moments just made me sink lower in my seat.

I sat in the dark movie theatre next to Kaden, he had somehow managed to get me to sit against the wall so I was pinned, trapped… I was in hell. Part of me wished Saebriel would storm in pissed off and angsty demanding I go with him then I could report that it wasn’t a good idea to date two people at once, especially when one was an angsty-ancient-tundra vampire.

The idea of Saebriel actually doing that would make my day beautiful. The chances though of that happening, having the dirty dancing moment ‘Nobody puts baby in the corner’ that never happened in real life so my hopes were just hopes. Like this stupid movie, it would never actually happen.

I didn’t recognize any actor in the movie what so ever, I didn’t even find it mildly amusing. Kaden was in tears near the end, obviously he thought the struggles of the unlucky couple we were watching were side splitting hilarious. All the while his hand kept moving up my leg, I was continuously slapping it away grinding my teeth together trying not to snap at him.

I loathed this make-up assignment, no not hate it was too weak of a word to use, I truly and utterly loathed this assignment with all my being. I hoped Saebriel was happy with himself now. I was suffering in what felt like the second level of hell, not quiet all the way down there but deep enough I was feeling the burn.

All I could think of that if it were Saebriel sitting next to me I wouldn’t have minded the movie, or the hand. But Kaden was the growing bane of my existence and as time eked past at snail pace I felt my patience growing thinner. If he didn’t leave me the hell alone soon I would snap and punch him in the throat. Then Saebriel would have to bail me out of jail, wouldn’t that just be a riot.

I almost burst into tears as the end credits came rolling up and the lights began to turn back on. Looking around the theatre I watched as people began to rise from their seats stretching and laughing. Couples left arms linked, smiling faces, leaning in on one another like the movie somehow made them closer. Envy boiled inside of me, I never thought I would feel envious of something I never had.

“We should get going, you must be tired.” Kaden said with a wide mouthed yawn stretching his arms up in the air.

A scowl creased my face, I should have been tired but my slave driver of a vampire decided that sleep was for the weak… I’m sure he probably doesn’t think I’m weak, he does understand that I do need to sleep eventually, I hope. Either way I had grown used to barely sleeping now, so I was rather wide awake.

Kadens arm wrapped around my shoulder pulling me in against his side, I would have so much to write about once this ordeal was over and done with. Why the teacher seemed so into making me suffer through a dark level of hell, I couldn’t say. This though having Kaden touch me it left this cold slimy residue on my soul.

I could feel it like a slug had just oozed across my hand. It was repulsive and disgusting. I felt a cold shiver down my spine making me tremble a little. Glancing around again I thought I caught Saebriels eyes watching from the back of the theatre but on second glance there wasn’t anybody there. Giving my head a shake I followed Kaden down and out through the lobby.

As we exited the Movie theatre heading back towards his car I dug in the front pocket of my pants pulling out my cell phone. It hadn’t gone off once all night, Sabe had to have noticed I was gone.

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