Chapter 25 {Edited}

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I had made the biggest mistake of my life. Five days with my apartment to myself again and I had spent minimal time in it, everything smelt like Saebriel. Yes I understand how creepy that sounds, but it was true. The tremors in my body had gotten worse, everything ached like I had just done a super long, super hard training session with a train. I had barely eaten in the three days I had been home, I just felt like everything was falling to pieces on me again.

Now I dreaded going home more than I did going to school, where the bullying seemed to have picked up where it left off. I was alone again, and I didn’t like it. My pride was buckling under this immense pressure and fear of not being in control.

Even the Gym didn’t seem to help alleviate the weight I felt on my chest, Sabrinna no longer showed up for work. Now it was a new kid named Cole, he was nice, a ninth grader, but he was nice and he did a good job keeping things clean.

I left the gym with my bag slung over my shoulder, a nice sweat beading on my forehead, my hands ached and were a red and raw but I was feeling a little better. They had fixed the place up better than new, it didn’t smell like sweat either which was refreshing to have.

The sun had set beyond the school walls casting growing shadows in the cold late fall weather, I wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed sometime soon. December was in a few days, which meant winter and icy cold wind.

A shiver ran down my spine as Saebriels death vision bubbled up, apparently it wasn’t his fault and I was just slowly going insane. The vision had continued on as a dream tormenting me nightly with his death and then mine. But this time when I woke up I was alone.

I walked in the front door kicking it shut behind me, I looked up half expecting to see Mercury and Argon in the kitchen working on dinner, Sabrinna walking down the hallway complaining about the mess of their room, and Saebriel leaning in the doorway to the living room waiting impatiently for me. A twinge in my chest made me curse, my legs trembled as tears bordered on my eyes. Why…

I kicked my shoes off pressing the back of my right hand to my mouth, my cheeks were warm and my lips trembled against my skin. Slowly I walked forward down the hallway my eyes glancing into the dark empty living room, the dark kitchen. Everything was quiet and cold, I shuffled quickly to my bedroom pushing open the door freezing in the doorway staring at my bed.

Part of my brain was begging that if I blinked enough times he would be there, but nothing appeared no matter how many times I blinked. With a shriek of frustration I threw my bag across the room watching it hit the wall and drop heavily. Storming around my room I collected a change of clothes, and a towel heading off to the bathroom.

An hour later of scalding hot water that turned my skin cherry red and made everything hurt even more. I felt a little better, more distracted that’s for sure. I moved out into the living room flopping down onto the couch turning the Television on to MuchMusic. Supernatural came on with a recap of the last episode, it showed Jo and her mom dying. That episode made me cry, even Sabe had seemed sad.

We had really gotten into the show even though he would scoff at the inaccuracies here and there. He liked it, I knew he did. Tears built in my eyes and I felt myself tremble, I dropped to the side grabbing the big flat pillow and pressing my face in against it. I moaned into the soft fabric, the breath I took in made my chest clench. It smelled like him. The tears built up and tumbled over down my cheeks soaking into the pillow.

“Damn you Saebriel Cashel” I sobbed against the muffling pillow.

God I wanted him back, I wanted to hear his snappish tone, to listen to him scoff at me as I tried to out maneuver him. I wanted him so much it hurt not to have him here, like a hollowness in my chest. But did I dare go to him now, after the horrible things I said to him.

In front of all of them could I show my human weakness? There was a knock at the door making me flinch with every knuckle rap. Then my phone started to go off, angrily I sat up and went to the kitchen grabbing the land line phone off the counter. The number was unknown, I answered it anyways.

“Aderyn open the door please!” I stood up taller at the sound of Mercury’s voice, “We need your help. I know we promised but… please let us in.”

Running out of the kitchen and spinning into the hallway I slid down to the front door opening the door wide, Mercury and Argon burst into the room tackling me back with them, we hit the ground their arms wrapped around me as they nuzzled in against my shoulders. The door slammed shut shaking the floor and the walls causing photos to rattle.

I was happy to see them to have them here for real, there wasn’t even the slightest pinch of fear that they would attack me or anything of the sort. Mercury and Argon were safe, they were brothers. I wrapped my arms around them the best I could thankful they had come to me instead of my will breaking and I went to Saebriel.

That would not have gone over well, with my stubbornness and just the way I had acted… I was justified but I also wasn’t. Saebriel was a Vampire that much was clear to me and it didn’t ever leave my mind but he had just never seemed threatening until I watched him drain that girl.

As happy as I was to see Mercury and Argon, healthy and still moving around I couldn’t help but wonder why they had shown up at my house panicked and afraid. As if reading my mind Argon answered me.

“You need to come back, please. He isn’t Saebriel anymore” Argon pleaded looking up at me with such innocent eyes that it nearly broke my heart.

Swallowing my instant answer I tried to remain indifferent, “What do you mean?” I grumbled sitting up slowly as they both rocked back moving onto their knee’s.

Glancing at one another I watched their muscles bunched nervously as their hands tightened into fists. Something was scaring them, I couldn’t think of a goddamned thing that would scare them, they lived with Herald there wasn’t much scarier than him.

Mercury started his eyes darting down nervously, “Its Saebriel, something’s wrong with him.” He didn’t look up at me as if he was ashamed to be telling me

“He started torturing the fledglings that go here, he nearly killed Bizzy yesterday. We don’t know what to do” Argon explained shutting his eyes in a wince as if he was reliving said torture and cruelty.

Shock filled my mind, Saebriel was torturing the people he cared about, the people he saved for a reason! That… that wasn’t right, it couldn’t be the same Saebriel that I had dealt with before. Was something wrong with him?

“Bizzy? But Saebriel saved him, and you. What the hell is he doing!” I shouted getting to my feet.

“He’s lost his mind” Mercury murmured, “He needs something to stabilize him, and you’re the only one that’s ever had an effect on him before. Please Aderyn!” He begged his yellow and blue eyes training on me.

“We’re afraid he’s trying to destroy himself.”

“He won’t ever come to you, he’s afraid to face you.”

They were going back and forth, “Whatever he did wrong, forgive him! We’re begging you Aderyn, he needs you, we need you, bring him back from insanity.” Argon begged dropping forward to bow against the floor.

Mercury did the same bowing his head to the floor, I stared at them trying to pick through the information overload I had just been thrown. As my boggled mind began to process it more and more my rage burned and boiled in my stomach. Screw fear, Saebriel was about to see what happened when I got angry.

I took in a deep breath nodding my head, now I was pissed. “Take me to see Saebriel now”

They both sat up perking like puppy dogs when their owner returns from a trip, if they had tails they would be wagging. In their yellow-blue and blue-yellow eyes I saw hope. I had never been somebody’s hope before and I just hoped I could do what they needed me to do before Saebriel completely went ape-shit and killed somebody. I just hoped he didn’t kill me.

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