Chapter 20 {Edited}

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I slaved my way through Math and English, skipped my way out of Gym with the teachers blessing and all I had left to deal with was Social sciences. The day was going smoothly so far I just had to survive this class then it was back to dealing with Sabe.

Sitting in the front of the classroom I waited impatiently for the teacher to show up so I could talk with him about my make-up assignment, or making up an assignment of such so I wouldn’t fall so far behind. I doubted Saebriel really gave a crap whether I graduated school, but I really wanted to actually accomplish something in my life.

The door opened and the teacher strolled in a good five minutes late, his sheets all stacked up to his chin. His frizzy brown hair curled and tousled like he had just woken up from a really nice nap. His dark brown eyes shaded behind a pair of dorky thick rimmed black glasses. He dropped the mountain of papers down on the desk and turned to look at us.

“Aderyn, Kaden! You’re here today, splendid!” He cheered clapping his hands together.

The class fell silent and he grinned at me, sneaking a glance to my right sitting closest to the door was Kaden. A smug smirk on his face as he watched me. Oh great… I was sure I was going to hate this. The day had been going far too well for it to merely end nicely right? Something had to happen.

“Both of you missed the exciting assignment I assigned. But don’t worry, it can be done in one night, or at least yours better be.” He chuckled shaking his head, I watched as he began to sift through the piles of papers on his desk.

Glancing at Kaden I felt like I wanted to throw up in my mouth. He had the full cocky jock head look, bulky muscled body, made Saebriel look like a twig. Kaden had dark brown eyes, with sandy gold hair now with dark black highlights here and there making him look even more like dick, all wrapped up in a pretty brown tan.

He was dressed in black dress slacks and a baggy open chested blouse top that was part of school’s conduct regarding clothing. Not that it was enforced or anything, just so long as you wore the colours and didn’t dress like a hooker.

In reality comparing him to Saebriel just wasn’t fair, for Sabe or Kaden. To start Kaden was sleazy where as I could admit that despite the similarities between Sabe and Kadens behaviour to me, Sabe had more class. He carried himself in a very proper manner and he treated me with at least some respect, and he wasn’t out to humiliate me in anyway shape or form, at least no publicly.

“Ah! Here it is, so what we just finished was interactions. You two will have to simulate a date, and afterwards you will write a report about the body language, word choice, and activities you noticed occurred then relate them to the basic appeals of human nature.” He said handing us the assignment sheet.

I looked down at it and grimaced, this was stupid. Kaden sat up in his seat as the teacher handed him the sheet as well. I had to simulate a date with Kaden? Saebriel was going to blow brain cells, all over the freaking wall when he found out.

Oddly enough I found myself smiling at the fact that this would make Saebriel jealous. The desk on my right shifted and then slid up against mine blocking me in, I turned slowly to look at Kaden who grimaced down at his sheet.

“So tonight we’ll have our sim-date?” He said glancing at me, I swear he looked nervous.

Nodding my head I looked down at the sheet, “Sure, You know what why don’t we have it right after school. Try and get it out of the way before Nightclass.”

“Uh, yeah.” He murmured rubbing the back of his neck, “So like a movie or something?”

It was too much, Kaden was bumbling around me. I began to snicker having to cover my mouth with my hand to hide the fact that I was fighting laughter.

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