Chapter 30 {Edited}

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I had never been to a café before, hell I had never been on a real date before and sitting here with Saebriel while he conferenced with the Principal over the phone to cut back on time we spent visiting people, well it just felt odd to me. Aunt Caprilla had surprisingly agreed to meet Saebriel to talk about my future or lack thereof. Suddenly Saebriel snapped his phone shut and set it down on the table in the same movement picked up his glass and took a sip of his tea.

“I thought Vampires couldn’t eat human food?” I murmured.

“It’s blood tea.” He sighed setting it down.

I rolled my eyes and drank my water, I didn’t want to meet my Aunt after the whole tantrum thing I pretty much threw. She would be able to tell I was upset and I didn’t feel like getting into that argument with Saebriel and her in a public space.

“I had a dream last night.” Sabe whispered setting his cup down gently.

An ice cube slipped past my lips and slid all the way down my throat making me cough, he paused and stared at me with a sideways look.

“Sorry, ice cube.” I said waving him on, “You were starting on something about a dream.”

He shook his head, “Nothing, it was nothing.”

I set my glass down and turned to look at him, “Sabe you have never brought something up that turned out to be nothing. What was special about the dream?” I asked him, my ice cube had ruined the moment of him opening up about something.

Even though it seemed out of the blue, I was curious I had never known Vampires could dream. We were taught that they literally died during the day or whenever they slept.

“I dreamt of the first time I met you,” His eyes grew distant and he began to trace a circle with his finger nail on the tabletop, “The ice, and snow. A blistering cold, a memory I thought I had banished.” He whispered slowly shutting his eyes.

I rolled my lips, Saebriel had dipped off into La-la land on me. “Uh Sabe, we met about a month and a half ago, in November. There wasn’t snow…”

He blinked and sat up looking around the café with a confused look, like he hadn’t realized where we were. Clearing his throat he looked down at me and nodded his head.

“Sorry, mixing memories up. It happens sometimes.” He said taking a large drink of his tea.

The front door opened and my Aunt Rilla rushed in all a flurry, her hair sticking out this way and that. She rushed into a chair next to me dropping her purse clumsily to the floor a small wicker voodoo doll tumbling out underneath my chair.

“So sorry I’m late. The hog that I was doing a reading with got greedy and wanted a séance to actually talk to his dead cat. The nerve of some people.” She cursed reaching under my chair lifting up the doll.

I learned not to touch her things especially things like that because they used to knock me out physically, now I just got really sick. Saebriel stared at her in shock, his eyes stretched wide, obviously he had not be expecting this kind of person.

“Alrighty, so where is this asshole that’s dating my little niece.” She said sitting up right.

Her big eyes settled on Saebriel and her lips pursed, “Hello, my name is Saebriel, and now for obvious reasons I’m not telling you my last name” He said nervously holding his hand out to her. Why was he so nervous meeting her, I don’t think I had ever seen him look like this before. He actually seemed a little afraid of her but not in the right way, like a boyfriend meeting the father for the first time nervous.

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