The Kitten Has Claws [Chapter 45]

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She shivered at his touch, resisting the urge to moan in abandon. It was so much better than she had imagined. One touch from him nearly drove her to her knees. She was ready to beg him to never stop for fear that nothing would ever feel this good again.

Using the washcloth, Finn brushed it lightly over her wings, washing away the blood in silence. Violet had to brace herself against the pleasure that was shooting through her body. It was torture to feel him and not see his face. Eventually though, he was done and tossed the washcloth aside. His fingers trailed over the wings one last time before he spun her around to face him.

"Do you know how many times I've fantasized about seeing and touching your wings?" Resting his forehead against hers he wrapped his arms around her so that the bottoms of her wings were brushing the tops of his arms.

She shivered and pressed herself closer to him. "How many times?"

"Too many times to count," he said hoarsely. "Please don't ever hide your wings from me again. They're perfect, just like the rest of you."

"Okay," she conceded, leaning up to kiss him softly, "but only if you show me your panther form more often. I want to snuggle with an albino kitty every once in a while."

Laughing lightly, he pecked her on the lips, "Alright, dear wife, I'll agree to that."

"Good," she grinned wickedly. "Now, about those fantasies of about you tell me a few?"

"Why don't I just show you?" he purred.

We need to talk.

The four worst words in the English language.

Delilah nodded mutely to Jed and followed him down the hall. She had no idea what she was going to say to him or what he was going to say to her. Somehow she had to explain the whole Theo deal, but she also had to let him know that she wanted to give them a chance. But she was scared shitless, she had no idea how Jed would react. She had no doubt that he was her mate, but she didn't know if he was aware of it, or if he cared.

She fidgeted nervously by the door, picking at her nails as she waited for Jed to say something. He shut the door with a light click and stopped in front of her. Waiting. Delilah looked up at him slowly, dreading the moment their eyes met. She didn't know why she was so scared. Well, she kind of did, but this was Jed, she shouldn't have anything to worry about.

"You want to tell me why you're so jumpy all of the sudden?" he asked softly. Delilah shook her head slowly, trying to appear calm. "Are you sure? I'm not going to bite you," he smiled, "unless you ask."

Resisting the urge to shiver, she gave a noncommittal shrug and looked away from him. Maybe Jed hadn't heard what Ayumu had said to her after all. And even if he had, maybe he didn't know Ayumu was talking about him.

"I'm tired," she said quietly, "so if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to..." she motioned at the door behind him, hoping he would get the hint and move.

However, Jed didn't move an inch. Instead he took a step towards her, leaving barely a whisper between them and grabbed her chin in his large hand. "Del, what's wrong. Please don't lie to me." He knew something was up with her, but he had no idea what. Jed had a fair guess it had something to do with what Ayumu had said to her. He had overheard their conversation, but he wanted Delilah to talk to him.

Her eyes started to water when he refused to let her look away from his intense gaze. "I'm scared," she finally whispered brokenly. "I'm scared of feeling again because I don't want to hurt anymore. I don't know if I can go through it again." Jed's thumb caressed her chin soothingly as he waited for her to continue explaining. He knew if he spoke too soon she wouldn't say all that she needed to.

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