My mother would have a fit. Vanessa's like the daughter she never had. I'm stuck in this middle. I wanna let go of my California life, the thoughts, the unwanted feelings, how I used to be, all of it, including Vanessa. I will break up with her, within time. For now, this is just how things are, and how they've always been. I think I've finally came to the conclusion that that's why we've been together all this time, back and forth. It doesn't benefit me, it befits my mother and it benefits Vanessa.

Finally, I pull into my street. I slow the car down as we get closer to my house. The sun is beginning to set and it looks nicely orange red outside. I park the car right in front of the house. Vanessa can hardly wait. She pushes the car door open and runs for the front door. I'm still sitting in the car not wanting to move at all. I see Vanessa banging at the door for a moment, while she stands their eagerly for my mom. My mother opens the door and begins to somewhat cry at the sight of Vanessa. She grabs her into a huge tight embrace and pulls her inside the house. When I see the door shut, I slink back into the driving seat.

My eyes shut, blocking out everything. Why is my life so difficult? Because you can't accept who you are, my mind simply states. I accept who I am. I accept the normal things of me. The things and thoughts of having a girlfriend, Vanessa at that. Marrying her, gaining my mother's aproval, making my mother unexplainably proud of me for being happy with my life with marriage down the line. The thing is, none of that will make me happy. That'll make my mother happy, even Vanessa happy.

I don't share lots of views on marriage, I mostly think it's a load of bullshit. Just take my mother and father's marriage. I sure is hell don't want to marry Vanessa. I refuse to let myself be stuck in this twisted relationship where I just feel nothing.

My phone buzzed again for the millionth time today. When I grabbed it out my pocket, a smile instantly came to my face. Luke texted.

Luke; "why are you in your car all alone?"

Wait what? I thought to myself. My phone buzzes again.

Luke; "I see your confused look, it's cute. I'm not a stalker."

I look around the sidewalk to see Luke walking towards my car. I reach over to the side and unlock the door instantly. He climbs in and I notice his ripped skinny black jeans and his white v neck hanging from his torso. Luke closes the door when he gets in and keeps his gaze straight forward. Minutes and minutes pass. We sit there in silence, but not the kinda silence me and Vanessa sat in the whole ride back. It was a comfortable silence, the type of silence I enjoyed when it came from Luke being with me, I suppose.

He suddenly spoke up breaking the peaceful state I was slowly falling into.

"I'm sorry," I looked at him puzzled as he continued on, "for snapping at you at the pit. I didn't mean you couldn't go back there, well I guess I did. I was just upset you brought her there. I don't want her there. I don't like that shank," he says with no type of remorse at what he just called Vanessa.

My mind and heart are having a battle within. One wants to stand up for Vanessa because she's my girlfriend, and the other is telling me to drop it and just explain myself. My heart won.

"I didn't take her there. I didn't even know how to get there. We just stumbled upon it. I swear, I wouldn't just bring her there. That's your place and I know it," I ramble, "and I sure as hell was not having sex with her. I haven't had sex with her, nor will I ever. I haven't even fucked anyone, and I probably won't for a while. She's just always needy and pouncing on me. You completely had the wrong idea." I finish off out of breath due to my ramble.

Luke chuckled. "Really? Because it sounded like it." His voice got deep and emotionless almost showing that he was serious.

"Yes." I simply state while turning my gaze from the car parked in front of mine to him.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now