Instantaneously, I type in Jake's account and go to the exact date that David posted his tweet.

"@JakeTAustin: I might have fallen in love with her. She's beautiful."

No... This isn't happening. That's the tweet I saw a few nights ago. Who would want me? I just got lucky enough for Jake to grow feelings for me, but David? I bet David just said that out of context. There's no relation between Jake and David's tweets. I'm sure of it.

The elevator stops, making me shake as I realize I'm on the story I need to be; I enter the new floor and see that it's completely empty and begin walking to set 21. I'm positive Jake is done with filming for the day. I mean - it's 6:43 p.m.

"Marian Lara!" My heart pounds from fright and I turn around to see my aunt running towards me with a bag of makeup. "Marian Lara," she begins, "How was your sleepover with Aubrey? I heard you guys had a blast these past nights!" Her face grew into a smile and I couldn't help but smile with her and just nod.

Her face lights up even more and she grabs my arm to whisper in my ear, "So... News on the street is - Jake finally got the balls to ask out my baby girl." My face flushes blood and I look at her like she grew three heads, "H-how'd you find out?" I stutter whispering.

"Your secret's safe with me. I know Jake's been wanting to, I mean... I can tell by his actions. He just took so long!" She giggles out and hugs me tightly. I swear, I wish she was my mom. She's so supportive and loving. "Thanks, Auntie, but question - does anyone else know about what Jake did yesterday?" I ask her thinking of David's tweets lately and all of Jake's hardcore fans going crazy over the fact Jake T. Austin is taken - I mean, I'd honestly flip shit if I knew Jake was taken and it wasn't me.

"No, honey. Only I know because I could tell when Aubrey and Austin are hiding something from me. They're too easy to figure out. Well, that and the fact I saw Jake talking to Austin and his friends while holding a bunch of boxes and stuff," she rolls her eyes and looks at me for a moment, "I'm so happy for you, dear."

She's honestly the best aunt ever.

We continue talking about what went on at the venue, and finally enter the set where a dinner scene is being taken. Everyone is around the rectangular table as if some crime just occurred, and it took me a while to notice I was gazing into Jake's eyes the whole time and he was glancing at me every now and then during his shoot. I'm not even paying attention to the words being uttered by all the actors - it's as if everything around me disappears as I lock onto his eyes.

Finally, the director screams out, "Cut!" And a bell rings noisily meaning the crew is done for the day. Jake stands up slowly from his wooden chair and speaks to David and Hayden Byerly. After saying what he had to say, he walks away from the two boys and approaches me slowly. I look onto the floor trying to avoid his contact and feeling a little self-conscious.

Get a grip, Lara.

"Hey, where were you?" Jake opens his arms out, so I can give him a hug, but I shake my head and push him away playfully, "None of your business." He raises his eyebrow, "Oh really? And why is that?" I shake my head and I feel his arm rest around my shoulder. I answer, "Because I don't want to spoil what happens to Jesus and Brandon in the next episode of the Fosters."

He chuckles out cheerfully filling me with butterflies, "I was just kidding, babe. You didn't really need to answer. I just needed to know you were safe. That's all. Let's go to my trailer and we can get my stuff and go." We start walking to the elevator in order to go down and leave to his trailer.

"You're dropping me off at Auntie's right?" He seems surprised by my answer and grips on me tighter, "W-why do you need to go to Auntie's?"

The elevator shuts and we're all alone in the small space. I answer back in a hushed tone with red cheeks. "I can't just stay with you. That's unethical... And cliche," I laugh dryly since I honestly did want to go with him. I thought to myself... It reminds me of all the novels and fan fictions I've read with those cliches and typical love stories.

Infinite - Jake T. Austin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now