48: Prepared

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48: Prepared

I honestly don't understand what got me so attracted to her.

The way she spoke, the way she smiled, the way she cared about others - it's impossible to name all the ways I fell head over heels for this girl in front of me. At the moment, her lips move, but I cannot understand a word she says. I should pay attention, but I'm too distracted by her being alone with me on the bleachers, too mesmerized by her charisma and her voice humming into the cold wind. Then, I come out of my daze as I hear her say my name, "Jayce, you with me right now?" She has a sincere grin, her eyes sparkling in the gloomy sky.

"Oh, yea," I scratch the back of my head, "Well, actually, I was, but then -" I clear my throat, "Sorry, Lara. Something was going through my mind." She shakes her head, "No worries," she playfully shoves me, "What's on your mind?" My mind immediately returns to my thoughts about her. I want to tell her - I honestly do, but what am I going to say? I know you have a boyfriend and all, but I like you.

That would lead to a complete and utter disaster.

Just tell her how you feel, Jayce. My subconscious battles inside of me. You can't keep it inside of you forever. Now's a better time than never. You're losing precious time by making it pass by without you admitting anything.

I already lost my chance though.

I stare at her, our eyes locked for moments, no one looking away at all. I push down the object inside my throat - now enabling me to speak, "I think you're beautiful, Lara." She's caught off guard, her lips parting, "Oh, uhm - thanks," a faint blush runs down her cheeks as she turns away, "Do you think we have to go in soon. I mean - it's almost lunch time," she diverts her attention away from me, looking back at the distant building. "Oh, yea. We should start heading in," I dig through my pocket to check the time, "Uhm, we have about five minutes before lunch starts."


Point of View: Marian Lara Estrada


I grasp onto my books across my chest; ever since this morning, I felt edgy. Not only to the fact that Quinn is in Alaska, but something seems off - I felt it when I talked to Jayce. I dodge the bodies lurking around the halls as I make my way to my dance class. I told Jayce he didn't need to walk me to class since his room is on the other side of the building. There's something in the pit of my stomach that makes me feel queer about Jayce now, but I don't know what it is. The way his eyes lingered, staring into mine for moments longer than the expected, the way he called me beautiful after blanking out.

I enter the dance studio, the stench of sweat and body odor slamming against my face, "Oh my," I cover my nose with my book. Immediately, I enter the dressing room to change into my sweats.

"You ready for the show next Friday?" Rena, one of the best dancers in my class, asks. "Hopefully," I awkwardly say as I remove my shirt. "I think you'll do great," She nudges me, "Did you sell any tickets to watch you perform?" I am reminded immediately by Jake and I's conversation from a few days ago.

"Jake, I wish you were here," I look at the dimmed screen in front of me. "Didn't we go over this already? I wish I can be with you at the present moment," he smiles, his eyes reflecting sorrow. "I want you to be here for my dance performance," I blush, realizing how desparate I sound, but it isn't like my mother and dad can come due to their busy schedule. "I'll be there with a bouquet of flowers," he jokes, "And a kiss," he wiggles his eyebrows, making me turn redder.

"Shut up," I turn my laptop screen away from him, "Don't get my hopes up."

"Aw, baby girl, don't do that, show me your face," I hear his lighthearted voice chuckle, as if nothing is wrong, "Never doubt me." I turn my laptop back, "I'll just have to facetime you during the performance."

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