49: Back

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49: Back

I pull up my hair into a high ponytail as I glance at the girl transformed in the mirror. Her face is covered with powder: lips are red, cheeks are tinted pink, eyes lined with black pencil, gold sparkling on the lids.

It's been a while since I dressed up like this.

It's been a while since I had this much makeup on my face.

It's been a while since I opened up to the public, and who knew it was for this.

"Lara, are you ready for the finale?" Our choreographer knocks on the door holding a clipboard in her hand while covering the microphone piece near her mouth. I take one more glance at the girl in the mirror, smiling, "Yea, I'll be up in a minute."

"Alright, it's the last show. I know you can do it," she smiles, then disappears out of the doorway. I look at my phone, dry and silent for the last few hours. I've checked numerous times, thinking Jake would at least text me before my final performance, but instead, nothing has popped up on my screen. I tie the bandana headband on my head, making it as tight as possible, so it won't fall out during the performance, taking glances at my phone every few seconds.

"Lara, you in here?" I turn my head to the doorway again, expecting it to be one of the dancers, but instead, it's Jayce.

"Hey," I place my phone in my bag, just in case someone tries to take it during the performance. "I wanted to say good luck tonight. You're gonna do great," he rests his hands on my shoulders. "Thanks, Jayce," I look at the clock behind him, seeing that I have forty seconds to get up the staircase, "Oh - I - you need to get to your seat, I'm performing soon." He looks at the clock as well, "Shoot, you're right. Alright, I'll see you after the performance like the last three shows." I nod, "Okay," and before he can get out of the doorway, I slip out of the room and run in the dark, climbing up the staircase as silent as possible, and make my way up to the stage.

Everything seems to slow down as I jump out into the open, the lights hitting my skin while the audience is dimmed. I move to the music, everything around me seemingly disappears. I'm spun by my partner, lifted into the air, and I am dropped again. I am at ease, nothing stopping me from the movements I'm doing. The music electrifies my system, allowing me to jump and kick without anything stopping me.

I come to a halt as the music stops, the end of the piece is done. I come back to my reality, feeling the beat of my heart pumping against my chest rapidly. I look at all of us on stage, our breaths shaggy, but we ended strong. We took each other's hands, lifted our arms in the air, and took a bow. I look into the crowd - packed with children, students, parents, and loved ones - standing up as they applaud all of us on stage. The curtains slowly close, but before we are separated from the audience, I swear I heard something in the back of my mind.


We exit out of the auditorium, all the other dancers holding onto their flowers while taking photos with their friends. I smile, seeing how happy they all are as their loved ones compliment their performance.

I see a family of three, my friend, Kriselle, being hugged by both her parents as one of the other students takes their photo. Rena is lifted up by her boyfriend while holding a bouquet of white and yellow roses in her arms. I remember her telling me about her boyfriend, and how excited she is to see what her boyfriend brings her because he usually surprises her with different things every performance. Apparently, last year, he got her a big panda teddy bear after the final performance.

I sigh, realizing my parents did not show up to any of the performances, but I did buy and leave their tickets on the kitchen counter about two weeks ago. I guess they're busy at work again. It is the holiday season, so more people need their help.

Infinite - Jake T. Austin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now