23: Film

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This chapter is dedicated to @ishaschybooo, @Rubin_Rot, @derpydraco, and @ashleyboutsy for taking the time to like all of the chapters of Infinite. You guys are amazing!


23: Film

I look at his face: full of fury and hatred towards his costar, Jake. His hands ball up into fists and I could see his hands trembling. His mouth is parted slightly while his eyes widen by the minute. He grabs hold of the door knob and I assume he's going to slam the door and leave.

However, I'm wrong.

He enters Jake's trailer, closing the door quietly to the point that I believe isn't even possible. Jake stands up right away, staring straight at him while his jaw clenches in the process. I stay seated on the now uncomfortable couch and see that David and Jake are mentally killing each other - well, in my perspective.

"How long were you going to keep this from me?" David spits out with an indifferent yet painful tone. He points his shaking finger towards me making me flinch, yet he continues to send daggers towards Jake, "I thought you said nothing is going on with you and her. I actually believed that - That you guys were just friends." He shakes his head and starts smiling to himself and voices out, "I actually believed you, Jake. You good-for-nothing lying piece of shit." His voice becomes dead serious once again, and my eyes dart towards Jake who hasn't spoken one word. His eyes have narrowed and he listens to each word David articulates.

"It's not my fault Lara doesn't like you. She's mine. There's nothing you can do about it."

My stomach starts doing somersaults due to Jake's words. There's no hesitation in his voice and I feel like I'm on cloud nine even though I'm in the middle of a boiling argument. Bad timing, Lara.

She's mine. It sounds so - so perfect.

I see David move forward, only being separated from me and Jake by a small coffee table. He sighs out in frustration, "It was one question, Jake, yet you had to hide the fact that you took her from me. Why the hell would you do that."

But Jake didn't do anything... I've liked him ever since the beginning. I chose him for myself.

Then, I feel my fingers brush against Jake's right hand, and I notice him trying to intertwine our fingers as if to show proof that I was his. I immediately move closer to his body by shifting my position on the couch, making my left hand lock into his right.

David stares at me intently, and I feel his eyes piercing my skin. "Lara, you shouldn't be with him. He's not the one- "

"David. You don't know shit," Jake cuts his sentence short and I feel his grasp on me tighten, "You don't know anything we've been through." David's arm crosses over the table and tries to grab my free arm, "Lara. You got to believe me," his voice mourns and shakes as he emphasizes each word he states.

I raise my arm away from him, and I stand up in front of Jake. I feel a huge boulder inside my throat, causing my inability to speak. I feel Jake's other arm slither around my waist, so I'm fully in his arms. "David, I - it's just that... You're just a friend. I honestly didn't even know you had a crush on me," I stutter with each word, fearing David will do something rash.

All the remorse in his eyes disappear for a moment, "Are you that dense?" David's voice rises at the same time Jake's hold on me made me feel like he was compressing my body, "You - out of all people - couldn't even notice my way of trying to get close to you," he starts to chuckle to himself, "What. The. Hell... I'm guessing the only thing in that small brain of yours is Jake and how he's fucking perfect like what all the rest of his fans utter. That's pathetic. He's just going to leave you like all the girls he's ever dated. You're nothing but a waste of space, you bitch."

Infinite - Jake T. Austin Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें